Post meno panic attack
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I am 55 and 5 years post. I have been anxious for a while now, with bouts of health anxiety, very melancholy, angry, dwelling on the negative, etc which resulted in a lovely panic attack last night...the kind I haven't had in years, the kind that had me pacing out on my lawn in bare feet thinking maybe I needed to call an ambulance. Gosh, I thought this would be over by now 😞😞
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staci88515 suzanne_0411
I am so sorry you are dealing with this too. I had to comment because I thought I was the only one who paces in the yard without any shoes. I have been there...MANY times. You are not alone. xoxo
suzanne_0411 staci88515
I figured my bare feet touching the grass would help ground me and bring me back to reality ❤
Beverlys1 suzanne_0411
Hi Suzanne,, I'm sorry you are having these scary attacks I also get them ever day right now, mine feel like I might die, TOMARROW WILL BE A BETTER DAY GIRLIE xxxxhugs
edna29227 suzanne_0411
Hi Suzanne, I am 58, post meno for 2 years, gone through a lot of health scares, ovaries, breast, heart, liver. A year ago, when anxiety sets in, I am always taken to ER because my BP goes high and I get extra heart beat. Last Xmas & NY I was a walking zombie, for another heath scare (waiting for the result of liver mri).
I was on xanax for a while to help me sleep. Blissful sleep for 1 to 2 nights, then back to reality. I was also on so many supplements and medications the side effects were terrible. I was told to take tofu, only later to find out it hasten the grow of breast tumours. I was told turmeric is good, only to find out it can be toxic to liver. There is no winning. Then one day, somebody gave me a book called AWAKEN THE HEALER IN ME, from that day on, I stopped all medications and supplements, except concor Amlo for my BP. I got rid of unhealthy food and alcohol and started meditating, excercising and studying the bible. Now at 10.30 pm, after thanking God and doing my one to one with Him, I surrender all to His mighty power of healing, I give him all my trust, then its lights off for me. I learned to manage my thoughts. I run my favourite verse on my head and off to blissful sleep. I still wake up in the middle of the night, hot flushes and toilet run, but then I go back to sleep, close my eyes, thank the Lord, and sleep some more.
I can say now, yes, trully, God is my strength and my refuge. He is our ultimate healer if we learn to trust in Him.
God Bless us all.
crystals51917 edna29227
I Love your post! TRULY God is our healer. I noticed taking a lot of supplements had me feeling all weird. I have lessen my intake of supplements and I'm slowly coming off the BP medication. I too pray and trust GOD and I try not to let menopause get me. It really gets hard at times but I start thinking in my head "It's a life change in my body and it will pass". I have no other choice but to know that this too shall pass. I LOVE this forum and I LOVE you ladies! We are going to take control... NOT menopause taking control. X
pinkcatfairy suzanne_0411
Dear Suzanne
Im four years post meno and 55 too, I had the horrible panic attacks a while ago, i had one which came on while driving the car and once at home, it was the most awful scary feeling ever, i did put the trigger to mine as coffee because just before each episodes of panic i had drank some! Im glad to say the anxiety and panic have gone
christine66659 suzanne_0411
im yen yrs post and still suffer now and again...its not over it neber is..dont get why drs say dr said post meno for life
its managing the symptoms when they arise..last period at 42 sailed thru..didnt know but being post i get the health anxiety sleepless nights ringing in ears vertigo anf achy bones now and friend is 7 yrs and exvatly the same
sherri87081 suzanne_0411
I am sorry you are feeling this way. I have bouts of anxiety and panic. I hate the feeling of not being in control. I just pray and think this too shall pass. I Have tried several different things for my anxiety, but it all seems to make me feel worse. Now, I just try to ride it out. It eventually passes. Hoping we all start feeling better soon.