post meno worries
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hi ladies has anyone experianced problems in postmeno sailed through peri no prob but 4yrs post meno now and getting every symptom going can this happen in post? worse is the off balance feeling every day neck and shoulder pain, anxiety i'm on propranolol 10mg 3 x daily cannot tolirate antidepressants and cannot have hrt is this normal.....
2 likes, 10 replies
nancys21 wendy94366
Hi Wendy. This has been the norm for me Almost 2 years post meno. I occaisionally vomit. It has really affected my life, career, driving, etc. Just not the woman I used to be. Hoping there's an end in sight for all of us.
wen_54374 wendy94366
Hi Wendy i am 3 half years post menopause and every week its something new .Pains in feet legs and hands now .Have health anxiety which has got worse .Had post menopause bleed had to have all checks done thank God all was okay .Times i cant sleep.Had 3 Uti since December its been a nightmare .As you say it changes your life .Please know you are not alone with this and we are all here to help .Enjoy the good days and be kind to yourself okay .From a fellow Wendy xx
Guest wen_54374
Is anyone here my age and having these symptoms like I am all that Wendy mentioned I have and more? I'm 62 , I'm down on my back now lower back can't bend or turn without wanting to scream due to the pain and very sore and stiff! I'm doing ice cold pack treatments.
lina19 Guest
can't stress enough on how much certain kinds of stretches help in relieving back pain. but it takes time and we must be consistent. please give it a try. there is nothing to lose. just remember to stretch only as much as your body allows you to, without pain.
JReady64 wendy94366
Yep...felt nothing until many years post..hysterectomy in 2008, and this junk only started last March...
christine66659 JReady64
same here ten yrs post...52 and getting symptoms now...nobody knows when it ends in fact i dont think it meno for life as my dr said...their is no time scale so dont know why books etc say their is xxxx we are all different
Guest wendy94366
Wendy, are you post because of a Hysterectomy ? I'm 62 and post and I'm having all you mention and I been post almost 3 years!
wendy94366 Guest
hi crosado no hysterectomy thank the lord i'm 54 and the symptoms are terrible hope you get well with your back soon
christine66659 wendy94366
i had no symptoms until post meno 8 periods stopped at 42 xx now 52
christine66659 wendy94366
its not a journey that ends many women still have symptoms off and on thru the post meno yrs 😑 ive met a few 80 yr olds who still have flushs and no sleep...i developed health anxiety last yr because my body was changing and im ten yrs post xx