Post Menopausal and bleeding

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I am 46 and have been post menopausal since I was 40. About two weeks ago, I experienced sensations of ovulation and then on Thursday I got my period including cramps, severe mood swings, and other PMS symptoms. The bleeding lasted 5 days.

I have a dr's appt on Monday but am very anxious. Has anyone experienced this before?

Trying to figure out possible causes: I am on Paxil and missed taking it for a few days this month; I am also overweight and have been under a lot of stress at work for 3-4 months.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I can't say why your bleeding but I was on paxil and this is how they effected me, when I missed a few days I became anxious and moody, so that could be the same for you, I gained an extremely large amount of weight on paxil but when I came of it I lost the weight to my suprise hope some of this information helps

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      Thanks so much Angie24800. It does help! I think Paxil has many effects on the body. How long were you on it?
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      I was on it 8 years, but didn't feel any improvement at all in my anxiety, and took the decision to come off, and go down the herbal route, my moods definitely improved and my head wasn't so foggy, of course that's my opinion sure others will say I'm moody 😉

    • Posted

      Excellent question. I'm on Paxil too and would love to stop taking it but I've heard nightmare stories. I've been on it for many years at this stage. A work colleague was on 20mg and tried to reduce it gradually but when she got to 5mg all her original symptoms came back so she increased her dose. I'm also on HRT but, after 5 years of no periods, I started bleeding on Christmas Eve and it lasted for two weeks.  I hadn't missed taking either the Paxil or the HRT. In short, a transvaginal ultrasound showed thickened endometrial lining so I have a biobsy scheduled for February 7th. I'm trying not to worry but am not having much success with that!

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      It was absolute hell to be honest, all my original anxiety was back and I did it cold turkey not to be recommended, I know lots of people who have tried got to lower dose and ended up back on high dose and don't want to try again, i did lots of research and its true it takes about 18 months to feel better, although I still suffering with anxiety and agoraphobia, I'm not so tired or fuzzy headed, and it seemed to make me bleed more, as when I had been off it a couple of months, they went to every 5 months maybe that's a peri menopause thing I'm not sure but I do feel better off it.

      I mean herbal and diet only to deal with it 😊

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      It's hard work physically and emotionally, I just knew it wasn't doing me any good and I didn't want to change to another antidepressant, I had problems with my eye pressure while on it which thankfully is now back to normal. I coped through withdrawals with lots and I mean lots of chamomile tea and backs flower remedy, hypnosis cds and a book called dare.

      A friend has recently told me to try inositol which I'm looking into.

      I wasn't allowed hrt, due to previous cervical cells and treatment and being high risk, but I totally understand you being worried about your up coming biopsy they are not pleasant but I didn't find it painful at all, hope it all goes well x

  • Posted

    Hi Marbars

    I'very also been Post Menopause since 40 and i'm 42. I had some bleeding too last year and I had to get myself checked properly. The lining of the womb was a bit thicker than normal from internal scan result so it was checked out for any cancer tissue and all came back clear.What might have happened was my body was reacting to the Marina coil. The Doctor advised I take it out for 2/3 months which I did and have not replaced for over 6 months. My advice is you get your womb checked out properly anytime you bleed. Hope all comes back ok.Most times its nothing serious.

    er check on the

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