Post menopausal bleed & Strep B

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My mum is 55 and has gone through the menopause. However, last week when we were on holiday, she had a bleed on one day. Prior to that she had 4 days of discharge and after she had a blood tinged greeny discharge with no odour which is still happening. When she went to the doctor she didn't really say what it could or couldn't be but did say that it is very uncommon for post menopausal bleeding which panicked my mum. 

The doctor did a smear and took swabs and said that she could see that there was blood still and she bled some more with the smear. 

She had one set of results and apparently she has strep b but this wasn't likely to cause bleeding. Has anyone with strep b had any blood/bloody discharge? 

I'm riddled with anxiety as to what it could be - I've searched for ages on the internet and loads of things are coming up that it is cancer

Has anyone had anything like this before? Any help or advice would be so appreciated. 

The symptoms she's had are greeny discharge/ blood/ pelvic pain/back pain and a sort of odd stomach twinge. 

Has anyone had these symptoms before with strep b? Please help! 

  Thank you

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Liz,

    I am so sorry to hear what is happening with your Mum.  Unfortunately I don't have an answer sad  but I wanted to say what a lovely daughter you are to your Mum in that you had the sense to go on this forum to seek some help.    

    Hang in there hun, you are obviously an intelligent woman, as you are researching all the possibliities, in can be scary looking on the internet though.  Perhaps you could ask for a second opinion?  With all the news on the little boy with cancer I have heard, on the radio, by several experts, that one can ask for a second opinion on the NHS. Perhaps you could go down this route in a hope for more answers as to her condition.   Go for it girl!  Make lots of noise with your Mum's Doctor.  Heaps of love xxx

  • Posted

    Get an urgent referral from the Dr to a gynaecological consultant which will put your mind at rest. On NHS is at most two weeks, if it is more kick up a stink.

    If it is anything to be concerned about they are in the best position to help and the sooner your mum is refered the better for both of you.

    Taz xxx

    • Posted

      A much more sensible answer from Tazchurch, Liz. My Mum used to be a Medical Administrator for a Doctor's surgery and she has told me that the Dr cannot refuse you if you ask for a referral.  

      I am glad to hear that it is 2 weeks for a referral to a gynaecological consultant.  I say again, 'Go for it, girl!' and keep us posted as to how you get on.  Good luck honey. xxx

    • Posted

      Any urgent referral is a two week pathway fightingmadness, especially in this field. Must ask for it to be an URGENT referral though and not a normal one.
  • Posted

    Hi liz1980 .. I have the same problems as your mum , I've had a lot off pain in my lower back on left hand side and other symptoms I've been premenopausal for about 5years im 52 .


  • Posted

    I've not been to doctors just been taking painkillers , but I'm wondering if I have that as well
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      Please go to your GP and get checked out.  If you have read the other posts ask for an urgent referral to Gynae, or maybe your GP can start ball rolling and take smear test themselves to speed things up.  When it comes to our health non of us should take any risks.  Even if you think you are worrying for nothing it is better to be told everything is ok than to spend any time worrying about a problem.  GP's would rather check you out and give you good news.  Good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi Liz

    what a lovely daughter you are..

    first dont panic too much, your mums had a smear and done the right thing there..

    i am in menopause and just had a smear all was fine cell and cancer wise ..

    but i had an infection called Cytolyric Vaginosis CV,  i had never even heard of before 

    currently taking internal antibiotics to cure that..

    also i have thrush too and now my bladder feels painful ..

    maybe its something similar ..l 

    remember that an infection may cause blood streaks ... 

    like when we have cystitis or urine infection and sometimes there is blood in the urine

    hope all goes okay, is your mum taking any meds for it .

    jay jay xx


  • Posted

    hi again Liz

    Bacterial Vaginosis may be what your mum has .. mine is similar i have bacterial vaginosis called Cytolytic Vaginosis  there is  E coli in mine..

    Bacterial Vaginosis can have Strep B infection 

    i was given Clindamycin antibiotic vaginal ovules for mine 

    ️jay xx 

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