Post menopausal bleeding

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l have been12 years post menopause when l had some bleeding it didn't last long but it was accompanied with abdo cramps so l went to my gp he referred me to a gynaecologist and took blood tests also checking foe cancer markers and a scan. All of which were normal. I have had no recurrence of bleeding saw the specialist who has booked me in for a hysteroscopy / d & c. However, at the same time my surgery for hip replacement has come up l will probably have the genealogy op very close after my hip op. Nothing l can do about it as l am a public patient. I do not want to cancel my hop op any suggestions???

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Joanne I sympathise with you 2 operations together I had my d&c Wednesday I had a spinal block I have had spotting after menopause I'm stressed wAiting results I'm praying I am clear xx is the any reason why you can't have the 2 operations I'm am fine it's 3 days no pain xxx good luck xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry,

      The problem is that a total hip replacement means that l cannot have my hip in certain positions without a risk of it becoming dislodged. As you and l know gynae ops are in the lithotomy position ie legs in the air. I just cannot risk it, my hip has been badly for years.

      lt would be fine if the d&c could be done first .......but l don't like my chances of that happening. What to do?? 

    • Posted

      O yes I see now 😩so is there no way for gyni could bump you up the list if you ring and explain your situation xx I am praying it will be sorted let me know how you get on x keeping in my thoughts god bless xx🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • Posted

      Thanks darl l will explain my situation at my pre admission appointment this week, if l get no joy there l will contact my gynaecologist and see what he can do. I believe that God can get it sorted, so will try not to stress so much. Thanking you for your prayers and l hope to hear all is well for you too.
    • Posted

      Yes god will be with us both xx thank You xxx let me know how you get on xxx big hugs 🤗

    • Posted

      Hi Kerry well l phoned my gynaecologist secretary today and explained my predicament she was most helpful and said for me to find out the date of my surgery and then they will try to get me in beforehand. So thankyou so much for your help. When do you get your results, l pray that you are going to be ok. Why do our bodies have to get old and worn out. Let me know how you get on,take care hun xxx
    • Posted

      Happy You are sorted I'm not sure when my results arrive I'm not very optimistic xxxx you take your in my 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Xxx

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