Post menopausal bleeding
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l have been12 years post menopause when l had some bleeding it didn't last long but it was accompanied with abdo cramps so l went to my gp he referred me to a gynaecologist and took blood tests also checking foe cancer markers and a scan. All of which were normal. I have had no recurrence of bleeding saw the specialist who has booked me in for a hysteroscopy / d & c. However, at the same time my surgery for hip replacement has come up l will probably have the genealogy op very close after my hip op. Nothing l can do about it as l am a public patient. I do not want to cancel my hop op any suggestions???
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kerry_89290 joanne33336
Hi Joanne I sympathise with you 2 operations together I had my d&c Wednesday I had a spinal block I have had spotting after menopause I'm stressed wAiting results I'm praying I am clear xx is the any reason why you can't have the 2 operations I'm am fine it's 3 days no pain xxx good luck xxx
joanne33336 kerry_89290
Hi Kerry,
The problem is that a total hip replacement means that l cannot have my hip in certain positions without a risk of it becoming dislodged. As you and l know gynae ops are in the lithotomy position ie legs in the air. I just cannot risk it, my hip has been badly for years.
lt would be fine if the d&c could be done first .......but l don't like my chances of that happening. What to do??
kerry_89290 joanne33336
O yes I see now 😩so is there no way for gyni could bump you up the list if you ring and explain your situation xx I am praying it will be sorted let me know how you get on x keeping in my thoughts god bless xx🙏🏻🙏🏻
joanne33336 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 joanne33336
Yes god will be with us both xx thank You xxx let me know how you get on xxx big hugs 🤗
joanne33336 kerry_89290
kerry_89290 joanne33336
Happy You are sorted I'm not sure when my results arrive I'm not very optimistic xxxx you take your in my 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Xxx