Post menopausal bleeding

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Had biopsy today as womb lining 8mm and had post menopausal bleed so now worried sick again

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    It's so hard not to worry. It may be nothing. I do not know what the lining should be, as I was never told what mine was.

  • Posted

    So, found this from a reliable source:

    Atrophy of the endometrium is often a physiological postmenopausal phenomenon where it is more specifically termed postmenopausal endometrial atrophy. 

    Clinical presentation

    While most patients are asymptomatic, it is one of the commonest cause of postmenopausal bleeding, accounting for approximately 60-75% of cases 1). 

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, mine was 10mm and biopsy showed up postmenopausal endometrial atrophy - ie slight thickening due to hormonal activity according to my consultant and absolutely nothing to worry about. It's really hard waiting for results but please don't assume the worst because it's actually very unlikely to be anything sinister. xx

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