Post menopausal bleeding
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I am 61 didn’t have a period for 4 years. Started bleeding about 2 years ago went to the gynie had a biopsy and vaginal ultra sound. All came back fine. Have been having monthly bleeding ever since. Just like a period sore breast’s mood swings cramps the whole nine yards kept track and it was every 28 to 30 days. It is very light could have used one pad thru this whole thing. I never went back to the dr. Now having light bleeding [very light) for 5 days after I already had the monthly episode. I am very scared to go see the dr now Anyone go thru this
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melinda128 debbie_78347
lynda20916 debbie_78347
I'm sorry you're going through this. You need to see your doctor, whether you are scared or not! Most things can be sorted if caught in time. I'm not going to speculate on what it could be--you need to find out what's going on--fast.
Please take heart, my Dear! You're in my thoughts and prayers. xx
melinda128 debbie_78347
Lynda is right honey. Please go to the doctor very soon. I know it is scary. Believe me, I am right there with you. I have 3 brothers that have had cancer. I know my chances are not good. But, they will be better if it is caught early. I am starting my doctor journey tomorrow. Please start yours.
lynda20916 melinda128
Sorry you are going through this. I am, too. Halfway through chemo and after that to have surgery and radiation. It's very scary, but the only way out is through. xx
You are also in my thoughts and prayers. Lynda
melinda128 lynda20916
Sochima822 debbie_78347
It sounds like you may need a D & C, to scrap the walls. Nothing major, and completely normal. I've had this done as well when I bled for over 14 days. My doctor said if you bleed for more than 10 days then come in, which I did, she performed a D & C, and that stopped the bleeding. Erratic bleeding is expected while your hormones are tapering off, of course, if you're bleeding for more than 10 days I'd be concerned, for which I've had light bleeds for 5 days, and didn't worry they went away, but since you're so worried just get checked.