Post menopausal merina coil fitted.
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Can I ask if anyone has had a merina coil fitted in the last few weeks or months.
I had an endometrial polyp removed by General anaesthetic and the merina coil fitted at the same time.
I have had some bleeding just spotting but have been told that, that is quite normal.
I feel a wee bit different I would say having to Lee more since it was fitted but maybe not,
if anyone could tell me how they have been feeling it would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks Heather
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ImagineOneDay heather29740
Hi Heather, I have mirena fitted years ago and yes I remember having some spotting after a while till it settled. I don't remember going to wee more often than usual since I go to wee very often anyway. Perhaps your symptoms are also related to the removal of the polyp too. Hope all settles soon.
heather29740 ImagineOneDay
Thanks for getting back to me. x
louise25018 heather29740
hi hun yes I had mirena coils and they all gave me spotting til they settled.
i just had a hysteroscopy and polypectomy last week under GA like you but no mirena coil fitted this time. I just have very light watery bleed now so hopefully that'll settle too.
I always wee alot so cant comment on mirena vs this issue but as always if concerned just see your doc/consultant although sounds normal to me.
take care hun x
heather29740 louise25018
Thanks for replying it is much appreciated. x