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Hi there , i have been told that im foing through the post meno . I feel like im going crazy you see i thought that when you have gone through perri that everythings ok but no , i get body shakes vibrating feelings i cry and get so angry . I dearnt go out i have no confidance , i just need to know if there is anyone else that is going through this please can you helpĀ
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Mars777 janice09397
Hi Janice. Oh dear you are the same as I was! As soon as I was Post meno all the horrid symptoms hit me. Terrible hot sweats worst @ night. Anxiety really bad no confidence emotional & hard to concentrate .. I have been post meno 7 years now & take HRT, Quality of life improved so back to normal now. I could not go back to how I felt,
christine66659 janice09397
pam90720 janice09397
Hi Janice 💕 I'm post meno to and feel the exact same way you do 😔 Anxiety, fatigue , tired , headaches , bloating burning , vibrating feelings..hard to concentrate... dizzy, motion sickness ...I feel like I've turned into a hypochondriac 💔 There is a website that was posted on here .. I think it's called 61 symptoms of menopause .. it's very interesting and helpful .. I'll see if I can find it... this forum has helped me so much to not feel alone and knowing others feel the same way💕 Please know that there are so many of us feeling the way you are... prayers and blessings to us all hang in there 💕💕🙏🙏
pam90720 janice09397
Here ya go💕