Post menopause
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My hot flushes have stopped at last .I am 60 this year and 3 years post menopause but i feel so flat and out of sink with things .The worse thing is i feel so tense in my stomach and bloated makes me feel fat and fed up .I am not sure if its because i keep worrying about it that it feels worse. Always over thinking things .Please help me with this .
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CarolKelso wen_54374
hi there
i struggle with my tummy also and i think focusing on it and worry affects it big time. i find deep breathing helps.
all part of this obstacle course...xc
wen_54374 CarolKelso
Thank you for your reply i do feel so lonely at times with all these different worries .I think you are right i am constantly. thinking about it every day .
Betty97 wen_54374
Hi Wen
I'm 62 and still getting hot flushes day and night, I get a feeling of being bloated some days and it makes me feel fat although I'm a normal weight. I too over think things.
Thank you for your reply this such a struggle dealing with the ups and downs of things and it kicks in my health anxiety .I am constantly over thinking things and it makes day to day a difficult task .