Post menopause
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hi ladies im 10 yrs post meno and have recently had real bad neck back and shoulder pain along with bouts of dizzines bouts of crying and this still possible even..went thru meno relatively symptom free at 42..periods just stopped..many thanks ♥️
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Nettie261962 christine66659
I have all if the above and same way. Through meno as well but dealing with strange symptoms like you have exactly and so much more! Sending a big hug!
pam90720 Nettie261962
hi nettie ❤ are you still dealing with your off balance.?
Nettie261962 pam90720
hi Pam,
It has gotten a little better actually but now I'm dealing with a in intentional tremor in my hands and a tremor like jittery feeling like feeling in my chest, arms and hands. Makes me feel super anxious! Always something! How are you doing?
JReady64 christine66659
you are my twin..
paisleygirl christine66659
yep 11 years post meno here and now I get the moodiness again , tears sometimes and insomnia all I can say is it's been one helluva ride for me I thought I'd be completely done but apparently it's quite normal for this to be happening I am just thankful it's not as severe or near as often and the anxiety seems to have died down finally
suzanne_0411 christine66659
I am 55 and 5 years post. I have been anxious for a while now, with bouts of health anxiety, very melancholy, angry, dwelling on the negative, etc which resulted in a lovely panic attack last night...the kind I haven't had in years, the kind that had me pacing out on my lawn in bare feet thinking maybe I needed to call an ambulance. Gosh, I thought this would be over by now 😞😞
christine66659 suzanne_0411
this happened to me last year panic attacks with feeling of suffocation never experienced before..triggered health anxiety..just about getting back on track now ♥️
lisa95354 christine66659
Hi Christine, do you have sisters that had the same experience and is your mother still alive so you can ask her how meno was for her? That to me sounds awfully young to go through Meno. Do you think you should make an appointment with your gyne? Do you like your gyne ? If not, try to find a really good one, I know it seems very difficult to find a good one:( I think most women avoid going to the gyne because they don’t even like the one they have. how are things going in your life, are you going through something stressful? How is your lifestyle/diet, I how is your lifestyle/diet? I am really beginning to think the way we eat affects our brain big time. there is a saliva hormonal test you can get at your pharmacist. And then you send it in to find out where your hormones are at. I know your post Meno but I don’t know where hormones are at 10 years post. i’m sorry you’re having a difficult time, I am three years post l and I know it’s so difficult. i’m sending you positive thoughts 😃 XO
thanks ladies..dont know why some drs put a time scale on mum was 42 and is a fit healthy 70 yr dr said post meno for life symptoms will still come and go...
pam90720 christine66659
yep!! i feel crazy-weird.... off balance, tired, crying a lot... healthy anxiety ... and the list goes on...2 years post meno