Post Menopause Benefits? Anyone?
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I am wondering if there are any benefits to menopause other than than the obvious.Can anyone offer encouragement from the other side?
How will we all feel better if we have no estrogen , progesterone, etc. left.I guess it is all of the highs and lows that create the discomfort. Do women in the late 50 and 60s feel much better? I'm sure there will be a whole host of other issues but just feeling normal again would be nice.
Thanks in advance.
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sunaina1983 Marinab
Need Motivation
jamie37119 Marinab
I am in peri...but I am sure as hell following this one.
hopeforever jamie37119
I am with you on this one. I am praying for the day to feel normal again.
edna29227 Marinab
Hello Marinab,
I am a late bloomer. 3 years post meno. Im 59 now and will be 60 in few months. Meno changed my life completely. Heavy bleeding resulted in all sorts of symptoms. Palpitations, irrigular heartbeats, sleepless nights, joint pains, tiredness, raised blood pressure, feeling nauseous, light headedness, and now twitching eye lids and occassional muscle twitching too in other parts of body. I had several health scare but THANK GOD they are all benign. This month is actually the every 6 months monitoring for me. More blood test & ultrasound. Sometimes I wonder if Im focusing too much on health issues. Like you, it will be reassuring to know if somebodyout there is having a great life after post meno and when will we get our lives back. Atthe moment, I try to not focus too much on my discomfort. I dont normally take my Blood pressure at home because it makes me more anxious. But today I did and it was 144/79. Itsa bit raised. I am a bit nervous but then again Im 59. Its close to normal. Maybe because i drank ordinary coffee instead of my usual decaff, or maybe it has been that way all along I just didnt know. So I promised myself I will take Amlo half in the morning, half late afternoon, as I was told by my doctor and take my BP next week Monday and see hopefully it will come down a bit.
ANXIETY is my biggest issue and Im learning to tackle it with Gods help. I am Blessed to have reacquainted my relationship withGod. He is now my refuge and my strength. Reading and meditating on His word gives me reassurance. I try not to question the hows and whys. I ask for His guidance as I struggle with health issues. I ask for WISDOM to be able to go through with what I am going through.
Its nice to hear from you ladies.
God Bless us all.
debra16694 edna29227
hi edna - your story is very similar to mine only i am a very very very late bloomer - Peri started for at 52 with typical symptoms of night sweats, wacky periods etc. At 55 i was diagnosed with high blood pressure but assumed it was because of all the stress i was dealing with...caregiving for my parents & getting my youngest son off to college - i am 62 now, but basically 3 years ago, S--t hit the fan - i thought perhaps it was the two blood pressure meds i was put on & really didnt think too much about menopause since my last period was at 55 - Looking back at my health journey, i think all the stress i encountered during my entry into post menopause delayed my symptoms & because my adrenals were so burnt out, i had no coping mechanisms left in my body. i got hit hard with symptoms. Oddly enough, when i finally had time to relax from my stress, i was battling even worse anxiety because everything seem to be crashing down. Every dr i went to could not give me answers, i started researching things on my own & found out one of the blood pressure RX's i was on was causing people to have horrible side effects & i weaned myself off that bad drug (still on one B/P RX). I suppose the point that i am trying to make is, everyones journey thru this transistion is so individual, but i truly believe that outside stressors contribute to how your body handles the changes. Peri for me wasnt horrendous, & i am grateful for that, but post menopause has been nothing short of a nightmare for me. Everyday i wake up with "something new" - i just try to take care of myself & hope & pray, this too shall pass - i look back on all the out of pocket money i have spent on all the drs, Rx's, supplements, tests etc & i could have had an amazing fabulous trip to some exotic destination. i am trying desperately to re-frame how i deal with my symptoms & maybe not giving them control or power will lesson their impact on me - Wishful thinking for sure -
Marinab debra16694
Hi Debra - what kind of BP medicine were you on? It wasn't Lisinopril, was it?
debra16694 Marinab
hi Marinab - The B/P RX that i was on & i was on it for 5 years i might add, was Amlodipine. i had taken 5 ml for 5 years & seemed to tolerate it the first couple of years, but i dont know if my menopause symptoms started kicking in or what, but that drug just became toxic to my system. i know lots of people who are on it & it works for them, it just was toxic to my system. i am still on Avalide & seem to tolerate it ok - unfortunately all RX's have some side effects, you just have to find one with the least amount - i really wish i could wean myself all b/p RX -
Marinab debra16694
Thanks. Have you tried magnesium? I heard that lowers BP but probably had other side effects. I feel like my BP is normal but it goes up occasionally and all I can tie it to is hormones. When it goes up, I feel stressed and get a headache.I have no idea if anything homeopathic is worth it or just hope to make it to the other side of this.
jamie37119 Marinab
If you get magnesium oil, you only absorb what you need, it works great for a lot of things, I use it on where I am hurting. If you are low in magnesium the oil feels like it has a slight sting to it but that goes away. I also use it on my "ugly" toe (I have had toe fungus on two toes, one it has got rid of now, and the other is taking a bit longer) Magnesium oil is great rather than taking it internally
debra16694 Marinab
marinab - Hi, yes i do take Magnesium glycinate at night to help with sleeping - magnesium oil is great for my achy joints. i take a really good Omega to help with my achy joints but also for heart health since i dont love salmon. in addition, i take beet root capsules with Apple Cider Vinegar to help with blood pressure & eat lots of garlic - There are quite a few b/p remedies to help lower b/p - i also do yoga & meditate - i know losing weight (for me) would be beneficial, but no matter how healthy i eat, i cant seem to get the weight off - ugh! i try to focus on remaining calm & fight constantly the urge to give into my anxiety which i know for me raises my b/p -
Kadija1966 Marinab
6months no period and only this month I feel somewhat normal. Even my high blood pressure has stabilised and my doctor have cut my meds by half. No hot flashes, mood swings, hopefully it stays this way. Keeping my fingers crossed as this peri was hell for me.
sunaina1983 Kadija1966
Thanks for motivational post..seeing some hope
Marinab Kadija1966
That is encouraging to hear and hope you continue to feel better.My BP is up and down too. I'm not sure what hormone causes it to go up but it is so everything else these days.
Marisa02082 Marinab
Following also. It feels like when I get a handle on one thing, another one comes back. It just gets to me after a while. Constant physical ailments. Now I have a pain in my right boob. ugh.
polly40361 Marinab
Hi ive been post going into my 3rd year pryor to post peri was horrendous i really thought i was dying most days but in the last few months things have got so much better not perfect by any means but dont think there is ever a perfect ...but starting to get much better and back to myself .,i have bad times during the day but not lasting the whole day so hang in there girls x