Post Menopause bleeding scared

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hi everyone

I am 56 I have not had a period in 4 years. Saturday i started my period ive been bleeding like its my period, some cramps its now wednesday . im scared.

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8 Replies

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    You should get it checked out just to be sure, but don't panic. Lots of people have this and in the vast majority of cases it is nothing serious.

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    merry christmas!

    Try not to worry but yes make an appointment with the Gp. You need an trans-vaginal to see what's going on.


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    it’s probably nothing and I wish I told myself that before I let somebody convince me I had cancer and had a polyp removed that wasn’t cancerous. Now I have a whole slew of problems because the doctor went in there and screwed it up. Anyway I guess the right thing to do is to get a ultrasound Just to be safe. We are women and sometimes these things just happen and had a listen to my aunt I probably would’ve done nothing and I’d be fine right now instead of getting an infection from the procedure and blah blah blah. Try not to worry about it because it’s probably nothing

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    I have been getting chills one minute and hot spells the next. I feel like I am going nuts.

    The bleeding has finally eased up, but I feel nervous probably just scared. My father died in 2014 I started becoming irregular with my periods then and in 2015 sometime that year I stopped. I never had any hot flashes, or mood swings any of it. So no period and suddenly one comes on all these years later right before Christmas. Its like I went back in time I felt it all over again. I had clots and all same as I did at the end. I never had a diagnoses but i believe i developed fibroids about 4 years before i ended the menses because my periods had become longer in time and heavier. There was one other thing that I changed a couple months prior to this episode and that was my diet I went gluten free then I lost 6 pounds and I remember I saw blood in the commode very small amount of blood which i thought i passed a kidney stone. I have before and there was no vaginal bleeding at all. Oh well Im scared I cannot help it.

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      My trouble now is yes the period is easing up, but I am so exhausted.

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    did have free flowing bright red blood for 5 days now it seems worse than my periods. it seemed to ease up for a few hours now its back. can polyps bleed like this of gosh i scared.

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    did any of you have free flowing bright red blood for 5 days now it seems worse than my periods. it seemed to ease up for a few hours now its back. can polyps bleed like this of gosh i scared

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    Hi there, i to am 56 i have'nt had a period for about 8 years! New years day woke with a dragging pain in side and lower back, thought it could be a urine infection drank loads of water. Went to loo a few hours later i nearly died pink blood in the pan! Have had 2 other episodes not loads of blood.

    Went to docs today with sample he said he could see blood but nothing like infection?

    The trouble is when you see blood i 'm not really sure if it's kidney stones that has been suggested in the past? Or a mild period? Anyway going for tests for urinary tract.

    No signs of blood all day i'm am just so worried though!

    I don't feel ill in myself just usual menopause symptoms!

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