POST Menopause Hell Anyone?
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Hi, All these post are about PERI-menopause. Any ladies out there still dealing with these awful symptoms in POST menopause.I know I can't be alone!
No period going on 12 months
51 Years Old
Just had all my lab work done. All came back perfect including the CA-125 which was 6
FSH 108.4
LH 51.9
Amylase 98 (Doctor said nothing about this but isn't this high)?
Lipase 27
Hot flashes (I can tolerate this)
Nausea (I CANNOT tolerate this)!!!!!!!!
Brain Fog (Feels like I am constantly hung over)
Ache in upper right shoulder blade (comes and goes - feels like muscle but who knows)
Energy level is fine
I have this feeling of dread like this is something more than hormones and have cancer lurking somewhere. Can hormones really take you down like this?
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JReady64 leisa56147
ME !!
carol52673 leisa56147
Hi i know exactly how you feel i'm 59 and still suffering hopefully you wont carry on till your 59 it really makes you awful i never wake up feeling well i dont sleep well/ hot flush/ fog brain at work and like you i often worry i have something nasty going on i havent tried hrt as my sister had breast cancer . Hope you feel better soon its got to end sometime surely take care love carol xx
sabrina1971 leisa56147
Me too! 47 and almost menopausal at 8-9 month no period. I feel awful literally all the time. Aching painful knees, depression, full blown brain fog, and yes with the full on health anxiety that I am obviously dying with cancer ravaging through my body. 😕 (I don't mean to make light of it, because obviously some people are very ill with cancer. 😦 )
juanita93228 sabrina1971
Post menopause for 8 years. Lots of ups and downs. Blessed that I had no symptoms until I was four years in. The depression and health anxiety have been VERY challenging. I'm retiring in January so that will help.
jan66332 leisa56147
hi i feel awlful through peri and niw no period for a year abd the symptoms are basically the same but sine new symptoms are worse ... i get zigzag vision every week sometimes im left with a migraine.... had my eyes checked just needed new glasses but the zigzags are scarey .... i have thoughts of dread all the time constantly unhappy i get off balance quite a lot just feel so down
sabrina1971 jan66332
I haven't had zigzags in a while, but I agree they are very scary! Is yours related to digestion in any way? My spouse gets them and he has to drink water and belch up basically to help clear them.
christine66659 jan66332
i had this when i was one year post menopause..i also experienced severe vertigo..havent had it in 8 it will get better migraines are very common in meno..i had mri etc...i found giving up caffiene and drinking plenty of water helped to..our bodies become very sensitive to everything during this transition..take care.i often went to work with vertigo and just used to lay on the manager was brill....i had to laugh at it all as it made me feel so scared..i would not let it ruin my life
anxiousface jan66332
hi all I started peri late 2011 and been in the menopause since 2015. i have those dreadful zigzags and eye pressure in fact had it yesterday but only lasts about 20 mins then the headache comes, i've still got it today and it makes me feel off balance and i can't think straight. i've gone through all the horrendous symptoms our hormones throw at us but things have calmed for the last couple of months but like most of you i always think its something more serious than menopause which then makes me anxious. I've just come back from shopping which was awful as the lights in the supermarket make me worse however i bought a sudafed nasal spray that i've not tried before so wish me luck with it.
hope we all get our lives back soon because its been 7 years for me and i feel i'll never be the same again.
sending you all my love x
Cass63 leisa56147
ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!
I am 6 years post and the last 2 years have been as bad as in the very beginning which has been almost 10 years. I have every symptom known and some not known. Still praying things will soon settle down. Take care.
juanita93228 leisa56147
Oh yeah it can. I have the exact same pain in my shoulder blade. It started out as a minor annoyance, but now I'm under stress at work and it turned into full blown muscle spasms! My health and well being is more important so l'm retiring. I'm 59 and I'm not going to waste any more time at this job.
christine66659 juanita93228
good for you..i retired at 48 lol...51 and now going back to work pt in a new job..i needed a break .it done me good but i got bored..i i feel pressure i will be retiring again.i dont care...well being is more important than money and post meno is the worse our bodies have completely changed
eleonora0422 leisa56147
Hi I am 59 and started at 51. I am always at docs. Now trying bio identical hormones. I have got every symptomn and feel so so tired and sick in the morning like fainting and so weak. It is so debilitating.
mrs_susan74280 eleonora0422
How long have you been on the hormones please, do you think they are working
eleonora0422 mrs_susan74280
I started in april. they seemed to be working but I'm downhill again.severe weakness in the morning and faintlike and burning bladder at the moment. debilitating life for the past 8 years with so many severe symptoms. oh and 8 years of flushing red sire feet on and off. especially when at the end of the day. tell me little about u. how old u are etc
eleonora0422 leisa56147
Hi I am 59 and started at 51. I am always at docs. Now trying bio identical hormones. I have got every symptomn and feel so so tired and sick in the morning like fainting and so weak. It is so debilitating.