Post worse then peri

Posted , 11 users are following.

anyone post that fond syptoms to be getting worse???

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I am not there yet, but am following as frankly, I hope it improves

  • Posted

    hi im nearly 7yrs post meno and up until 12 months ago i seem to have sailed through it then bang every symptom hit me the worst being the off balance/lightheadedness daily digestive issues i not on hrt but taking 10mg propranolol 4x daily for anxiety whether this causes dizziness daily not sure or menopausal that causes it had it for 12 months now and no sign of it easing up

  • Posted

    Yes, post is worst than peri for me. Insomnia, which doesn't give the body enough sleep time to recover then ever issue I have amplifies. Pain and I am it's puppet. Breast, legs stomach, back, arms. Arthritis, carpal tunnel. Weird lower left ovary area pain will last for weeks or a month. Not my ovary says my Gyno after vag ultrasounds (plural on the ultrasounds.) Ugh. Peri was terrible, post is hell.

    • Posted

      I get that same lower left ovary pain! Had ultrasound as well. Nothing showed up. And it will last a long time and then ease up and then come again. It brings nothing but worry. Still in peri. It's been 5 years now.

  • Edited

    Hi Jaynie

    Oh yes definitely!! I am not sure if I am in menopause or post but oh heck it sucks!!

    This year I have started a whole new level of symptoms from aches and pains all over body, burning all over, numbness, little tingling not much though, always tired, shortness of breath, sleeplessness and the list goes on... but there are good days as well followed by ok days and then back to bad days! lol.... and the husband does not understand.... men are clueless... they would never have survived through menopause!!

    Hope you r good day comes soon...


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