Postmenopausal i

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I really dont understand what is going on witj me i am 4 years post meno and in november started with anxiety and depression then blood spotting seen by hospital and was ok mild back ache like period is going to come and it dont just feel so menapausal thought it would be better after 4 years but getting all the symptoms now causing me to have health anxiety

Anyone feel like this ?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I'm Post Menopausal gone 13 months I'm up to my tether with it I'm trying everything under the sun to help I'm hoping these tablets m on works soon I'm taking when I get up I don't feel right but try and get on with the day as much as I can..yes Health Anxiety I have too but I try to tell myself I be ok nothing isn't wrong just hormones every time I get work up about it I get hot and my heart starts so people trying to reassure me it's not for ever as I'm typing to you I'm trying to stay calm you be ok 


    • Posted

      Hi maud, I get hot and cold and the  Aniety heart Palps I can't rest properly don't sleep well either don't know what to do..I'm trying things out though to see what helps 

  • Posted

    It varies so much from woman to woman what symptoms she has, how bad they are and how long they last. I saw a friend of mine recently that I havent seen for ages and I told her what I was going through. She had breezed through meno and was post meno all in less than 2 years. I wish! I've been in peri for at least 7/8 years maybe even longer and in full since Dec last. Its horrible. But because we are all so very different no one can tell how long any one of us is going to suffer this awful process. Sorry I couldnt be more precise but all I can say is what will be, will be. XXX

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