Pre Menopause at 36 & now have anxiety
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So worried something is wrong with me? Started getting my circles every 8
Days for 5 days. Came with horrible hot flashes, insomnia, dizzy, depressed, heart palpitations and extremely sore breasts. Since then started with unbelievable anxiety, mainly in the morning. Had every test done except MRI, doctor saying peri menopause and anxiety. After being at emerge and family doctor 8 times, they have put me on birth control and lorazopram. Has anyone experienced these symptoms from peri menopause? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I have a 3 year old daughter and I am fearful one morning I won't wake up
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annieschaefer sarah34926
I've had such a wide variety of symptoms that started last year, too many to mention here, but I want you to know, you are not alone and please know that fear you are feeling will come and go, becoming less pronounced as time goes on and you see, that as awful as these symptoms are, you will continue to wake up to see your beautiful girl.
For now, give the lorazopram a try to see if it doesn't help calm you a bit. If not, there are other things to try. Definitely Vitamin B's (complex) higher dose. Many swear by B6 150-300mg daily B 12, magnesium, calcium and more. You can review old posts and check out the ones written by JayNeeJay. Brilliant amount of helpful posts from her.
Sending you big hugs as I know how terribly frightening these crazy symptoms can be!
Annie xx
lenie95046 sarah34926
BellaRubia sarah34926
gill00147 sarah34926
gill00147 sarah34926
deborah73991 sarah34926
although my periods are more spaced than yours, I suffer too with bouts of insomnia, heart palpitations, sore breasts, extreamly dizzy, often with nausea, weakness, jelly legs etc
Last year I also had very bad night sweats & hot flushes but since starting on vit B6 and using Chia seeds & linseeds sprinkled on my cereal the hot flushes & night sweats have significantly reduced.
I too worry that its something more than the menopause.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
buddah_girl sarah34926
sharcerv52408 sarah34926
Take care