pregnancy after a tubal
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Im 43 years old n had a tubal 10 years ago after my 9 th child. Since then my periods were regular lasting 3 days for the next 6- 7 years. My periods continued regularly but they were so heavy, I got scared n went to the emergency room! I bled so much that i would be in the shower literally bleeding the whole time non stop. The ER told me it was just my period. That lasted a few years until yet again, a drastic change in flow caused my periods to now last 3 weeks! I spotted dark mudlike for the first week, regular flow the 2cnd week then spotted dark "mud like" the week after. Although my flow changed drastically, my menstrual cycle never missed a beat up until last month (october) I started as usual but now no spotting, just the regular flow for a week. 5 days later i spotted for 2 weeks. That was the 13th of october. We are now almost thru the month of november (24) n I Havent had a period at all this month. Plus this morning i felt a sudden pain from my lower abdomin down into my pelic area, kinda like the lil cramping contractions you get during pregnancy. I dont get them often but wen i do, its a very sharp shooting pain. COULD I POSSIBLY GET OR BE PREGNANT??? Any suggestions or ideas that may help explain whats happening with my body??
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tricia51298 caligurl
Welcome to perimenopause. My periods are doing the same thing. And my gynocologist told me it's just perimenopause
caligurl tricia51298
And just curious, is there still a possibility of pregnancy thru fertility massage & vitamins?
tricia51298 caligurl
It's the time before full blown menopause. Where you body is winding down. Hormonal changes are happening and your periods go from longer heavier to shorter lighter. To in between.
caligurl tricia51298
Jesusss😏 lol how long does that last?
tricia51298 caligurl
Sadly anywhere from 3-10 years. I'm in my 7th year of it now.