Premenopausal erratic bleeding

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Hi, I'm new to this site. Just wanted to share my experience of the last few weeks. I'm 55 so quite old to still be perimenopausal!! I had a normal period about 3 months ago, had another starting 3 weeks ago, lots of spotting to start with, then very heavy for a couple of days, then tailing off and brown spotting, the spotting stopped for about a week, then started again a few days ago and now I seem to be starting a full on period again. Just wondered if others have had the same experience?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    ,HiI haven't had this BUT I know anything goes around this time. Perhaps, this is the final one and done.

  • Posted

    Hello Rose,

    I'll be 53 next month and also just went 3 1/2 months without a period but just started spotting yesterday....spotting, then heavy spotting, thinking a period was coming....then it shut off completely. Then today seems like I'm starting a period. Can't make up it's mind. I've had this before last year when I went 95 days without a period but started on and off spotting about a week before a full-blown heavy period.

    I just wish it would stop! I was at day 105 thinking/praying for it to never return and now this. 😦 Quite disappointing! This is not the way to cap off having the flu for 2 weeks either.

    • Posted

      Hi Jane

      It's bad enough having the symptoms let alone having flu at the same time, really hope you will feel better very soon. Mine has turned into a full blown period today, think I will have to start taking an iron supplement as I have alway been on the border of being anaemic.

  • Posted

    Not quite old to be in perimenopausal when I was 59 I was still perimenopausal blood work confirmed it. At 57 I stopped having periods for 2 years! Then at 59 started flooding bleeding for weeks at least 6 weeks I went in had ALL the test including biopsies and blood work thank the Lord all was good. I wasn't meno as I thought! I have a friend that just turned 60 and she's had non stop bleeding for over a year then it stopped for a very short time and she still bleeding, but she will not go to the doctor even though I have told her you better go have that checked out! She is German and I've noticed several of my german friends they don't go for female smears and check up, guess coincidence not sure.

    • Posted

      Hi Crosado, thanks for your reply. It appears to have turned into a full on period today!! It's so horrible the unpredictability of it all.

      It sounds like your friend should get checked out, if nothing else she must be very anaemic,

      I had blood tests around 10 years ago as I was experiencing an irregular heart beat, they checked my hormone levels along with other tests, and apparently then I was peri menopausal!! Wish it would hurry up and end! So comforting to know you are not the only one going through it when you find forums like this. Take care x

  • Posted

    this is my life now. i had 3 different period 3 times this month. each with PMS before. all were mostly brown spotting. i am so sick of my life right now. the mood swings, weight gain, bowel problems, bloating, insomnia, intolerance to cold, whiskers on my chin, gas, low sex drive, constant food cravings. i am so over this part of my life. my poor husband is married to a nutcase. i feel like a totally different person. i hope menopause isnt called the 'change' because we actually change into MONTERS!!

    thanks for letting me vent!

    • Posted

      You vent all you want Christine! It really does get you down. Not asking for tmi, but I notice you say bowel problems and bloating. I have always suffered from ibs but it seems so much worse the last couple of months. Mood wise, I'm glad in a way that I'm on a very low dose of citalopram 10mg, started around 4 years ago not for menopausal matters, but it does seem to keep my mood pretty level.

      You take care x

  • Posted

    Hi Rose,, I no they say average age of meno is 51 on alot of sites... But weird thing is with me I am almost 54 and have been in peri since I was 48 when I went to the doctor to have my hormones checked at 48 the doc said you are in meno,, I thought ok and left and continued to have the periods for the next 6 years,,, so my endocrinologist checked them again 2 months ago and once again she told me I was in meno,, finally I told her NO WAY I have never went 12 months without a period and just had one eight weeks ago,, that is the longest I have ever went,,, I have short 3 day periods and spot constantly, kinda like you but these doctors need to get there tests right somehow,, they really are clueless when they say peri/meno maybe they get it right maybe not!!WHO IN THE HECK KNOWS RIGHT!!!! we are alittle older to be in peri also,, it is considered late after I 53-54 because average is 51 they say but I see so many ladies on the forum between 40-50 so who knows!!! HUGS ROSE,,TAKE CARE!xxxx

    • Posted

      Hugs to you as well Beverly!! It really is a nightmare!! I was told 10 years ago I was perimenopausal, wish it would get on with it!! Not sure if you're in the US but in the UK the ridiculous politics that's happening here atm really doesn't help either with low mood.

      It's so nice to speak to people in the same position, feel you are not alone.

      You take care x

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