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Hi. I am turning 46 in a week. My periods have always been on time and lasted about 6 days. I've noticed this past year that i still began every 28 days but they got shorter in length and where I once had a few heavy days, I began to have just one day and a few hours heavier. Periods began to last about three days. Then I had no period January or February. March came and my period lasted like fifteen days! This month I got my period and it lasted about seven days. A bit heavier then the past as well. I have some nausea, some hot flashes and am very emotional at times. Does this sound like premenopause?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    It sure does. I'm only 42 and have been having symptoms for about 5 months now. Periods were always regular and now come about every 21 give or take. Hot flashes, night sweats, wicked anxiety, and DOZENS of other bizarre symptoms.


  • Posted

    Yes it does, I did a diary when I was like you just so I knew how my periods were each month. The nausea & being emotional is a sure sign. My hot sweats came post meno , 

  • Posted

    Thank you all for your words! I thought it was but always a good feeling to know you're not crazy and others have experienced or are experiencing the same things!!

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