Problems driving in menopause
Posted , 8 users are following.
Has anyone had driving problems, about 1 year ago I just suddenly lost every bit of confidence I had and started to panic driving on a dual carriageway.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Has anyone had driving problems, about 1 year ago I just suddenly lost every bit of confidence I had and started to panic driving on a dual carriageway.
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Guest angi101
marlene21102 angi101
karen71465 angi101
Zigangie angi101
I went on HRT and one of the first silly things I noticed was that I was driving with so much more confidence and less granny dithering than I had been, I said to my husband no one would believe me if I told them that.
I had a lot of memory stuff, awful groping and not finding the right word and trailing off halfway through a sentence forgetting what I was talking about.
My brain loves the estrogen.
michelle46271 Zigangie
I am hopefully going on HRT next week. I'm 46 and have been having symptoms for about 4 years. The last 3 months have been awful- pressure headaches everyday,depression,couldn't even watch TV if something sad was on. Lots of panic attacks in one day. Acid reflux,weak legs ,restless legs night time,tinnitus etc. Have you suffered with any of these?
Am hoping HRT will help.
Zigangie michelle46271
HRT has helped with all those things.
Acid reflux (for anyone unable or unwilling to take HRT)
I sorted it out myself with ginger capsules 2 before meals
And less of ginger tea made with fresh ginger. It worked better for me than proton pump inhibitors.
emmagall78 Zigangie
Woke up one day full on vertigo dizziness, weird headaches, memory problems, anxiety etc
Now it kinda faded away after a few months but member fully went away.. To this day I suffer weird sinus like headaches, ear humming and fulness , gum ache,and balance issues. It seems to be triggered abit a week before period and lasts about 2 weeks after, I have about 1 week where I'm symptom free.
Shopping centres, busy places, and stress makes the symptoms worse.
My doc put me on amitryptalan 10mg for migraines and I'm to try taking notheristerone? Incase is a hormone issue? Anyone tried this drug? X
jamie50513 emmagall78
marlene21102 emmagall78
Cut back on sugar and salt . Don't overload on coffee or tea.
jamie50513 angi101
karen71465 angi101
pinkcatfairy angi101