Problems with falling asleep, staying asleep, and strange dreams.

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Hi Everyone,

I also have another dreaded menopause symptom, that is I have this unexplained fear now of falling asleep. When I do finally fall asleep, I seem to wake up every 2 hours with a feeling of dread. Not too mention the strange dreams I been having since menopause. Has anyone experienced, or is experiencing this strange issue?

Before menopause my sleep was always restful. Now I am lucky if I get 4 to 5 hours of sleep now. Someone on this site told me about lavender oil. Put a few drops of lavender oil on my pillow at night. It is supposed to help you sleep. I will definitely read up on it, and purchase a bottle. It can't hurt.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maria, yes Levender is good to help you drift off...some body told me about it,also take horlicks up to bed with you get up feeling of dread and I get up feeling maybe I would say weird/odd I would hope it would subside soon for us.
    • Posted

      Hi maria101,

      It occurred to me recently, that menopause seems to be the dying off of your old self, and the rebirth of a new you. It almost feels like a grieving process. What do think?

    • Posted

      Never thought of it that way. But what a difficult rebirth. I was doing so well on HRT then had to stop it. Now all is back. Waiting for femarelle to kick in.

      The rebirth may make u wiser but the grief is way to long.

  • Posted

    Yep been there. Sleep deprived. Waking up having to drift off to sleep again.

    Going through it all. While on HRT all was good.

    But sleep as well is related to stress and what is going on in ur life.

    Ever since my partner of 2 years left me out of the blue, mainly because he is a heavy drinker, smoker and took a turn to using some substances, fell into a rut and then just bailed out when my health issues began, my sleep has suffered as well. The more we have on our minds the more we sleep badly.

    Menopause doesn't help and since I stopped HRT the vivid dreams have returned.

    I will also try lavender drops. What have we got to lose. We have to do what is best for us and be able to live as healthy as possible.

    I now remember how my mum struggled with menopause. She was so anxious, she had difficulties sleeping and it affected her whole life.

    She once came to London to see me with my dad and I had to take her to A&E because she was suffering from lack of sleep and this would affect her whole life and her anxiety would kick the roof.

    She had problems with where she slept, what she wore to bed. It is horrible. Hence we need to do what we need to do.

    Let me know how u get on. I will try it as well.


    • Posted

      Sorry to hear about your relationship. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. You probably would not be able to handle menopause and your partners issue at the same time. Now it is time to focus on yourself. Taking care of your health is #1 now. I hope your mom is doing better now. Try taking some magnesium supplements, and B vitamins
    • Posted

      Thank U darling.

      I am taking femarelle and waiting for it to kick in. The down side of homeopathy is that u have to wait for it to kick in and it can take a while.

      Yes God works in mysterious ways. The X had issues and he would moan and moan about them but not do much to change them.

      I just need a restful night to feel human again.

      So tired.

  • Posted

    I've not slept for a long time now so I know how you feel. Mine is more down to the hot (and cold) sweats through the night. Yes you're right......really weird dreams, which I put down to not being totally asleep but rather in almost a "trance " state of mind therefore being suspectible to all sorts of weird dreams.

    • Posted

      I long for a restful night sleep. I find that i sometimes have a fear of going to sleep.

      I sometimes feel I might not wake up, because I am so exhausted. I need the sleep though. When I wake up the feeling of dreadvcomes over me.

      I just want all of these symptoms to go away forever.

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