Prolonged Bleeding

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I have been have pronlonged bleeding and wondered how many others experience the same.

In May I bled for 24 days, June was 18 days and July is 22 days and counting.

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    You sound very similar to me, haven't stopped for the past few month. It's very distressin isn't it. I broke down in the doctors last week as I was so heavy it was unbearable. I back on the norethisterone for 3 weeks which is a relief for now. I take b vitamins and spatone natural iron sachets as iron upsets my stomach. I going see what happens when I come off tablets this time as doc says he may refer me to a gyni as my quality of life is so affected. X
    • Posted

      It does get you down.  It seems to be non stop.  I was offered norethisterone 2 years ago when I had a long bleed but I was worried about the side effects and was told that when I stopped taking them I would bleed again.  Have you had any side effects?
    • Posted

      The main problem with norethisterone is withdrawl bleed as you say, I took it for a month last time and I was up all night in agony when I came off it passing huge clots. I gave in to it this time as I going away next week on holiday and I was getting very tired again so my holiday would be ruined without it x
    • Posted

      I've just come back from holiday and constant bleeding definately puts a dampner on things so I totally understand you taking the norethisterone.  I'm just too much of a chicken to try it.

      Hope you have a good holiday

  • Posted

    Yes I have this too. I saw GP last week who said its most probably the menopause but did a swab to be on the safe side. Awaiting results now.
  • Posted

    Two weeks ago on a Tuesday I started bleeding really heavily lasted up until last Sunday or Monday. Durring the time of bleeding I asked to stop my Estrdiol and provera. I was feeling weak having cramps and anxieties with the bleeding. Found out in the E.R. That i have two cyst on my left ovary and on my right ovary a lesion 

    I go in for a follow up appointment with my OBGYN on Monday to see what he wants to do about the lesion to see if he wants to take a biopsy of it 

    Have not gone back on the Estradiol or the Provera since 


  • Posted

    Yes i have had this, it was more light and spotting at times but some months seemed neverending, i think it can affect some women this way and some have the more heavy periods, this has been the most distressing of all menopausal symptoms x
  • Posted

    Well, fingers crossed I seem to have stopped afted 23 days.  Don't know how long for though
    • Posted

      Keeping my fingers crossed for you , I'm dreading my norethisterone running out as I know what will happen 😕
    • Posted

      Well I am 50 yrs and 8 month so I guess it could realistically be another couple of years yet. I think my mother finished hers at 52 😕
  • Posted

    Hi, I feel your agony, I am the same, am forever bleeding, book in smears, have to cancel time and time again...Had a few years where I had no bleeding, have told the intrusive receptionists....we cant see you for a week or two.

    I am sure I am going through the change and I am 38.....

    Have had bleeding upto 2 months before, I am just lost like you I guess

    • Posted

      I've given up trying to book a smear it's impossible . I could of gone this week really whilst I've just started on norethisterone again but I didn't feel like it just before my holiday as it usually triggers a urine infection or some problem or other so not bothered. I have an internal ultrasound booked for Friday and that's enough for me . 😕
    • Posted

      That sounds like me also, my quack has put me on Nitrofuranton for urine infections...Its putting pressure on BF and me, as no longer want any relations - I know this is not a fun topic, but its good to know - am not alone in this weird world of bodies - thanks ladies 
    • Posted

      Well I haven't had that sort of thing shall we say in over 18month with my constant bleeding and total lack of desire anyway now. It is good to know that we're not alone with all these rotten issues 😕
    • Posted

      Hi you sound like you are going through the same as me. I have had constant bleeding for months , are you the same ? My gynicologist  thinks it's fibroids , is this drug your talking about used for this too ? It's really depressing isn't it ! I'm soooo miserable with it Nice to know I'm not alone 😕
    • Posted

      Hello there yes my bleeding just never stops. Some days spotting, some days light and some days very heavy. The norethisterone stops it within 24 hrs but of course you start again once you stop the tablets. It's good to give your body a break although I do feel bloated whilst taking them. Once you stop the tablets you start to bleed within three days and I think the longer you take the tablets for the worse the bleeding will be at first as it seems to store it all up unfortunately. Last time I had them for a month and I felt like I was in labour, awful pain and I started passing huge clots. Not nice. I only taking g them now as we are due to go on holiday . My bleeding just put down to abnormal uterine bleeding as and internal pelvic scan last year found no fibroid or anything else nasty. I having another scan this Friday to have another look . Your deffo not alone with all this . Hugs x
    • Posted

      Ah hugs back to you ! It's such a bloody nuisance literally isn't it ! Yes I've my Scan in 2 weeks and they have mentioned maybe a biopsy of the womb. Have you had that too ? I'm trying herbal medicine and reflexology right now just to see if it does anything, although not sure as if it's a fibroid think with me it could take some time to go. It is a comfort to know it's not that unusual , this forum is Great 😊
    • Posted

      Hiya yes I am so grateful for all the comments on this forum as it's so easy to feel you are alone with this. I have not had a womb biopsy I think my last scan was all fine so they just tried various tablets and deposit provers to stop my bleeding as it was never ending. I do find it very difficult to accept it's normal but one thing my doc said which helped was that if the norethisterone stops the bleeding then we know it's a hormonal problem and it did so I guess I know the bleeding is not coming from anywhere else. My anxiety is bad at minute tho as I have pains all over and I feel worse about flying thinking I may have a thrombosis, can't get that out of my head. I just feel I will be glad when holiday over and I safely back home. I should be looking forward to it but I'm terrified. It's crazy 😕x
    • Posted

      What a nuisance ! I get like you over certain situations , anxious and panicky must be the hormones 😱 I really hope you have a lovely time and mange to switch off and relax. I must say the reflexology has helped with my moods etc maybe worth a try. Message me anytime !  Take care 😊x

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