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Hi ladies
Just left the endometriosis centre after an appointment to discuss my ridiculously heavy periods and horrendously painful ovulation. The gynaecologist has offered me prostap to put me in a temporary state of menopause. To be honest I do not like the sound of it one iota so was hoping one of you lovely lot could give me any information you may have. I also hate needles, I mean really, really don't like them. I passed out the last time I had one. I'm just so fed up with it all thanks in advance xx
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bobbysgirl donna48864
Endometriosis centre? Well that is an improvement at least. My endometriosis was on my gut ('a few, tiny specks', according to the 'specialist'). Because of where it was, I can remember two different surgeons at the foot of the hospital bed, arguing the toss as to whose department I belonged in. Sheesh - I didn't CARE, as long as some did something about it.
In the end it was down to my lovely, lady doctor, she put me on the Pill, continuous for one year. It starved the cells causing the problem. I had to do it twice more (in 20 years) before the menopause took over.
What is worse I don't know. 2-3 rotten days a month or continuous aches and pains 24/7, mmm let me see....
Can't say for sure, but you should be able to do something about it with pills not needles. Hope so.
donna48864 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl donna48864
I never had children. Some would say that's the reason for my endometriosis. But you shoot down that theory. I was 34 when I met my husband and he already had 4 children (and a vasectomy!) so that put paid to that!
I can't remember which pill(s) I was prescribed, though Cerezette sounds familiar. I think I had that once. I never had any problems with the Pill, unlike HRT which has caused break-through bleeding (drat, drat and double drat).
I really hope you get some relief soon. Sending you a big (hug)
donna48864 bobbysgirl