Puffiness in chest area

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Hi everyone...I have this puffiness in my chest above my right breast more in the chest area and slightly in the middle. Its more of feeling it than seeing it. You have to really look hard to see it, and it is a bit sore but i think from messing with it. Also, my right breast seem bigger and heavier than the left, it has always been this way and the right shoulder blade seem bigger.

I've had this several time before and i guess it goes away and come back. I havent been keeping a journal of this so i'm not sure when it usually appear. But this is really freaking me out. My mammogram was due in April and i am late getting it. I am usually on time with my mammogram since age 40 and now 52 but since peri I've been having health anxiety so bad. But now i am so freaked out about doing it. This is around my ovulation time , and I'm 50 days into my cycle and no period. Anyone please if you ever had this or any suggestions( i do know seeing a doctor would be it but until then) could it be inflammation? I also had puffiness in my back last year and i triggered it to be my ceiling fan so i stopped sleeping with it and no problem anymore. I have been sleeping with the ceiling fan again.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mary - When you say “puffiness” do you mean that it just feels more expanded? The reason why I ask is, is that I can no longer where any of my bras for this reason.  I feel like my diaphragm has gotten larger & I feel like everything about me is “puffy”.  I am taking better care of myself thru eating well & everything I eat or drink just seems to make me feel “bloated”.  

    I wouldnt worry yourself sick sick about this, I can only guess that it’s our hormones wrecking havoc on you.  You will feel better after your mammogram, I am sure. 

    • Posted

      Debra no its like more like swollen but soft. Not flat like the other side..like fluid retention feel and look. My diet is very limited ..mainly steamed veggies and organic chicken and wild caught salmon. Only beverage is water and almond milk. I drink lots of water and lately i havent been urinating like before..sometimes it frequent urination and then it reverse to not urinating too much. Now i am not urinating too much.

    • Posted

      Hi Mary - Well, I am not sure where you live, but if it’s hot where you live, it’s not unusual for the body to hang on to fluid, especially with the heat.  I have been getting pockets of fluid down by my ankle bone on one foot.  I fret about it, elevate my feet & get a massage & it goes away....all I can say is, this menopause ride is a mysterious one.  I am 6 years post menopause and I can feel my body retain fluid just like how I used to in pms & then I will have a few days where all I do is urinate - try not to get yourself worked up.

  • Posted

    Hi Mary, I wouldn't fret over it this is a common perimenopause symptom. I also get the same with soft tender breasts in the chest area, when I touch my chest it feels like it's swollen. However, it's my left side. As for one breast being bigger than the other one it is also very common during perimenopause. It's easy to get hung up on one symptom here another there, that you may end up sounding like a hypochondriac . As your hormones go through the change you will experience many more symptoms you may never have felt before. The incident with the fan sounds to me like an allergy, maybe to dust. I was the same way, when the fan was on I couldn't breathe well. My doctor said it could be allergies to dust when the fan is on. Just note our bodies are super sensitive during perimenopause which is why we need to be mindful of our environment, the clothes we wear, the soaps we use, and the food we eat. And unless, you have a lump or have a history of breast cancer I wouldn't worry too much. Calm down, repeat to yourself it's just another peri symptom that will pass. I would have a new symptom almost everyday at one point. From feeling worthless to feeling my leg or arm was missing. All a part of perimenopause into the menopause phase. My periods come every 3-6 months and sometimes every month for 2-3 months in a row. It's all a part of phasing into menopause. Hope this helps and if it doesn't then check out 66 symptoms, I added 10 more to the list.

    • Posted

      Thanks alot Sochima822! Yes i agree peri causes some weird stuff. No there is no lump but that breast feels lumpy inside. around a certain time of month. Last mammogram said it was fibrocystis (something like that) But benign. There is no history. But its good to know that you have the same thing. I agree i need to calm down dont want Mr. Anxiety and Ms. Panic to visit.
  • Posted

    Hey Mary.  It sounds like something I had once.   It was more on my chest wall just right of my sternum.  If I ran my fingers down the top of both my breasts, there was a lump on the left side.  I have really bad health anxiety.  I ran to the doctor.  Mammogram fine.  He couldn’t really see what I was talking about.  That was a couple of years ago.  My only thought now is this:  my left breast is a little larger than my right now and the lump was  just over one of my ribs.  I was a lot thinner then, which probably made it more noticeable...and the reason I  noticed it was bc my breasts...especially the left one, had started becoming so sore.  I was just starting with peri.  Now, bc I do tend to have such bad health anxiety, I try not to inspect myself so much.  I haven’t noticed it in a long time.  I will be so glad when all of this is over!  ((Hugs))
    • Posted

      You described it exactly! Thats where its at, and yes i am very thin. Same here if i run my hand down the top of both breast the left is flatter and the right is puffy like muscle swelling . There is a bit tender to it but could only be from messing with it so much. 😒Even my collar bone on that side looks bigger than the other one. Now i am examining it. My health anxiety is over board. I am too scared to get a mammogram done even though i know its time. Before, peri i had no problem getting my exams and all.

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