Pulling Away From Loved Ones
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I am wondering if anyone else is pulling away from loved ones during this very difficult time. When I don't feel well physically and emotionally, it just seems too much to be around others and "fake it" or "lose it" and end up crying hysterically. I feel like I just want to crawl under a rock and come out when it is all over. It just seems easier being by myself.
I would really appreciate some thoughts from the wonderful women on this forum:)
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kimberly96221 bev27429
I'm right there with you. In fact I had a bbq at my house today and couldn't wait for everyone to leave. I kept going inside for a quick cry because everyone was having such a fun time and eating and I'm miserable!! I can't even eat my appetite is gone. Nobody knows whats going on in the inside. I try so hard to put on that fake happy face. This is so hard and I hate it. Can't take much more😪
crystals51917 kimberly96221
Reading your post put me in tears because I have definitely been there several times. I was walking with my husband in the park one day and I just started crying because I felt less of a woman and less of a mother. We try to hide it while everyone is having fun but they have no ideal what we are really going through.I pray we go through this phase in our life. It is very difficult at times but I am just trusting God. I do have good and crazy days but I gotta keep going. Can't stop, give up or give in. Praying for you! X
lisa95354 kimberly96221
Kimberly & Crystal, it is very discerning the range of emotions that come with this time in life. I just made a new friend walking my dog the other day. It’s actually very sweet, because we have a Chihuahua mix and her dog looks just like ours. The woman is from out of state, I think Texas. And we just started laughing when we ran into each other. My point of this is, I digress, as I tend to do ... we exchanged numbers and after we did, I almost felt panicked, isn’t that strange? Because she asked if I like coffee and wine and I said, I love both. And then I thought after she said, we’ll have to get together, oh Lord... what if she’s one of those people that stays and doesn’t know when to leave… LOL. I never in my life, ever thought that before. But that is how I think when people come to visit, I also do require of my friends or request, that they call before they come. That’s also because I have fibromyalgia and I don’t know what type of day I’ll be having, with post menopause, as well. We just don’t know how the deck is gonna be shuffled each day 😉 These feelings are clearly part of this time, because we all have them. And I do remember, that my not wanting to be social, started in perimenopause years ago. I was always a social butterfly and always the life of the party, not anymore. In fact I don’t even go to this one Mexican restaurant that I used to love, because I’m afraid of how the bartender's going to judge how I’ve changed, isn’t that ridiculous. as I haven’t seen him in years. But I know he’s a gossip and I’m afraid he’s going to be like ...oh man ...you should see Lisa ...she’s looking rough. did you guys know that estrogen is literally the youth hormone, that’s why women look so much older post menopause. I even noticed it might. I looked older when I used to have my period, because the estrogen is depleted at that time. But I know it also has a lot to do w/ DNA. Crystal I do understand exactly what you mean with not feeling like a woman. I mean like we did when we were younger, like a fresh flower, now I am more like a shriveling dandelion ...lol But you are right, we do need to keep going. I know Crystal and I have discussed before that praying really helps us through. I find myself constantly asking God to control my thoughts 😃 God bless us all going through this. I just thought, if you ladies live in a larger city, you should try to initiate a menopause help group. I live in a smaller town, so it’s not possible for me. I don’t even like to see half these people at the grocery store, let alone, sit in a coffee clutch, to discuss how miserable we are… LMAO I hope everyone has a beautiful day ! I think our song for today, should be, I will survive, wasn’t that Gloria Gaynor! Go Gloria ! Or was that Donna Summer, I sure miss her !
lisa95354 crystals51917
Crystal... You are a glorious woman XO
crystals51917 lisa95354
LISA, YOU ALREADY KNOW !!!! 😃 Hey everyone, Lisa is an awesome lady with great knowledge and especially about this mp junk and she has a loving heart for people. That's rare. Thanks Lisa! Love you!!
crystals51917 lisa95354
Thanks my friend. 😃
heidiparthena bev27429
This is a pretty classic depression symptom. Depression is also pretty common in peri, so I think it would be a good idea to talk to your doctor. You shouldn't have to manage this alone. HUGS to you. xo Heidi
kelly55079 bev27429
Yes... There has been several family get together's this last month and more coming.. I've said NO to a few but I think this next one I'll have to say yes too--- it's a lonnggg car ride with my mom which I don't mind. But it's overnite and then more visiting with relatives.. UGH.. Why couldn't these hormones give me a few more years? It's hot, I'm fat, my periods are heavy and I'm miserable. I did get out with friends yesterday for lunch and a movie BUT the whole time I just didn't feel myself. Hopefully, this will pass soon!! I give you A LOT of credit for hosting a BBQ--- I think my anxiety would've been out of control.
grace50455 bev27429
I am afraid to be alone but at the same time I feel so alone in a room full of people. I am so exhausted ,had a long day IM hurting everywhere. I know how you feel.
sunaina1983 bev27429
Same i feel dear
I donot want to meet my friends...they call me for party i always refuse. .donot want to meet anyone....donot want to go out even for shopping which was my fav time pass
if someone come in my home.i always feel oppss when they will go...
i donot feel good with anyone..want to be in my room...donot want to walk anyone.
its peri effect
hang is there
susan39015 bev27429
you just described me. I have stopped going to everything because i feel like im literally going insane and i dont feel good physically. My daughters graduation party is next sunday and im ive been having such anxiety bcuz i dont want to go. 100 PPL I should be enjoying this and im petrified. I havent gone to 2 familybridal showers 2 weddings, my husband birthday was testerday we didnt do anything, stayed home 4th july and today were suposed to go out to dinner for my nephew bday but im not going bcuz i have such anxiety around food so im just going to go to my susters after for cake which i cant eat. I know im supposed to be grateful and enjoy my family but i dont want to go. I cant imagine what this is doung to my daughters and i cant believe i cant be strong enough to pull my s**t together fir them. I had to go into the batgroom 4 times at work on friday because i just started sobbing. Cant do this anymire. Prayers and hugs to all.
bev27429 susan39015
I completely understand, and I feel for you, Susan. I feel for all of these women. I consider myself to be a very strong person, both physically and mentally, so I have often wondered why I can't be strong enough to just put the symptoms to the wayside and get on with life, but the hormones take control. The only thing that I can do is push forward, in any way that I can, and wait for it all to be over. Like you, I feel like I just can't do it one more day, but I know that I have a great life, and I want to live it, so I keep pushing forward.
Sending you the deepest of understanding.
Takingtime bev27429
I totally get it. mine comes in cycles I find during half my cycle I am calm and social while the other half I am feeling many gross symptoms and want to shut out the world. I am very choosy on where I go and with whom. I can't handle a lot of people and some days just talking to people is an effort. Two days ago I was out and social and today we have company coming and I can feel the overwhelm set in and I just will be pushing myself to get through. I hate feeling this way as it steals so much. I also feel this way with appointments the closer they come the worse anxiety I feel. I think its a social anxiety triggered by hormonal symptoms.
grace50455 Takingtime
I feel the same way, I went to Church this morning like I do every Sunday only today I felt like I was in another world ,what is always the most peaceful time for me to be in Gods house to worship and praise him I couldnt because my mind is racing .I am returning to work tomorrow after being off all week because of two trips to ER. and I cant believe this feeling.My Grandkids are over and I want to enjoy this time with them but my mind is so stuck on this feeling of doom and despair. I pray for God to deliver us all and to fill us with His peace.
mel65197 bev27429
I am so sorry to all of you and totally understand. It's so hard to find the energy/desire to do things you KNOW you should be enjoying but just can't. And it's also hard to explain when you "look" fine, but feel terrible. I wanted to share a podcast I have been listening to. It's called Sweaty and P****d. It's funny, but also very informative about this crazy hormonal ride we are on. Check it out. xo
bev27429 mel65197
Thanks, Mel. That's a great resource!