Q for Post Meno Friends

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Helloo dear friends.

I just want to know how periods will stop.....i mean Is last period is very HEAVY then it stop compl or u have spotting for few months and then its stop ?????.

I know everyone is unique but plzz share ur story so that i can have idea .

Me in Peri..having all classical symtoms of Menopause from last year.....Head heavyness, dizziness,hot flashes,off balance issues , gas bloating ,shaking , leg weakness etc....list goes on and on......... ..

Having regular heavy periods from last year..earlier my periods r very light .. and i miss few.....then they become very heavy.

This month i am having spotting for 3 days in starting of periods....its dark brown colour .......i thought it may be only spotting and i am Happy that next month may be they stop..........But then on 4 th day i am having heavy erratic flow for 3 days ...I am very much confused what going on........😭😭😭😭

SO i just wanted to know how is Ur last period Ends heavy or spotting for few months or somthing else.??

Plzz share ur experience so that all Peri friends get some idea how it goesss.



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16 Replies

  • Posted

    I am no help here but am following as I am curious as well... used to be regular 28 day, 7 day period... then it went down to 24/25 days, then last year I started to have fortnightly periods which is part of what sent me to the doctors to find out I was in Peri.... I now get 24 day again but now only 3 day periods so am very curious where this is possibly going.

    • Posted

      hi dear

      Thanks for reply

      me facing this problem..my period shows alot of fluctuations from last year.So worried what' s going on...soo thought to discuss this problem with u all

      Menopause Big long dark tunnel ..but there is light on the other hand i believe and recall every day to me .

      I miss my oldself..my life torally change because of Peri symtoms.

      Hang is there



  • Posted


    I went from light every 28 day periods to pretty erratic periods after the birth of my last child at age 41, I think this last birth signaled the start of the menopause, for the next twelve years my periods became heavier and not as regular, they basically became fewer and far between until my last period in 2009 which was six weeks of flooding until I went to my GP who gave me tablets to stop it, no more periods after that. That is only my story, I don't think all periods end with weeks of flooding, I was just unlucky!!!!

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply mam.

      Sorry to hear u have 6 weeks of flooding ..But happy finally they stop and hope ur doing great now after Menopause..




    • Posted

      hi annette. how long did you have to take the pills for? and then when you stopped them, you just never bled again? thanks

    • Posted

      Hi 2chr2015

      I took the tablets for a week, I had to have a blood test to see if I needed to have a blood transfusion but fortunately I got away with a course of iron tablets, I had a scan, everything was ok, basically my womb had decided to have a final massive clear out, and yes I never had another period after that.

  • Posted

    I started having strange symptoms with my last pregnancy... I was also 41. I am in the Southern Hemisphere and my last child born in Winter (July) ...and I was sweating, I put it down to breastfeeding. I was constantly hot for the next 3 years. Now I get hot flashes that don't feel like hot anything just hell...but yes strange periods since then. So wonder if I have been going through it for a few years now. Bring on the end of periods. Flooding....now that would terrify me as I lost a baby and hemorrhaged so thats scary to me.

    • Posted

      Hellooo dear

      Thanks for reply

      Very Sorry to hear u lost ur baby 😭

      Flooding scares me too .

      Take care my dear

      Hang is there

      Menopause very difficult phase of woman's life .

      Take care



    • Posted

      I'm not sure yet if I will have another period. So far this is my story, minus the two panic attacks recently . No hot flashes just drenching sweats while sleeping. About 4 yrs ago I started missing one period a year. Then 2 a year but never back to back. I was late by about a week a couple of times a year. Afte wines I was 2 weeks late throughout this process. I am 47 now it's been four to five years since it started changing for me and I just recently missed 3 periods in a roll. Then I started and had a heavy flow. Then the following month I was a week late and had a period so light I considered it spotting and only used panty liners for pads. It was darker in color after a day or so . J was hardly anything at all . Now here I am waiting again and feel sort of crampy at times . I and am a week late again and the campy feeling is gone and i wonder if i will start. I wish you the best of luck to everyone on this journey that truly only a woman can understand that is going through it This place has been a blessing. Its helped me to understand so many things.

    • Posted

      Hi jamie37119

      So sorry if it was me who frightened you with my flooding story? Mine was made worse by me being stubborn and not going to the GP sooner!! as soon as I went I was given tablets to stop it, they started working the same day, I would advise anyone who was continually flooding with no end in sight to seek help and get it stopped! I worried about something that could have been sorted sooner x

    • Posted

      Its ok, 😃 Glad you got the help you needed for it.

  • Posted

    Sorry I had heavy periods for years before they actually stopped.

    God knows I was praying for the day they stopped so I could go out

    as they were that bad. Then four years ago they went away and could

    have partied cause I was glad to see the back of them.then ;9 weeks ago

    I had post menopausal bleeding and as you would probably know I got a wee

    op last weekend and was fitted with merino coil under General anaesthetic

    as well as getting a big polyp removed.

    The median coil is supposed to keep the lining of the womb thinner to avoid

    having to go through post menopausal bleeding.

    I was offered this year's ago even went to the appointment but they couldn't

    fit it in the gps as I have a tilted womb and they couldn't do it. I am going to play it by ear as far

    this is and hope for the best.

    Hope you are all well.

  • Posted

    my periods got very heavy, then normal. now i am either a week early or a week late. i am currently 10 days late hoping i am done!! but i feel very bloated and all the typical PMS symptoms so who knows?? so is menopause PMS for the rest of my life? KILL ME NOW!

  • Posted

    hi there, .

    my periods are exactly the same. I'm 51 and they are all over the place. I can spot for days on end like a brown colour, then stop for a day or so then just flood everywhere to the point where I can feel it pouring out of me. then within a couple of hours I'm just spotting again. there is no regularity to them at all, I haven't a clue when this is going to happen. I am not on any tablets because I suffer with health anxiety and am worried about side effects. xx

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