Question about cycles
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Anyone know the details about the rise and fall of hormones during the cycle?
Example: today is day 15 since the START of my period last month. (Only lasted 4 days)
I'm curious what's going on during that part of the cycle, to try and match it with my annoying symptoms today.
Just to see if they fit.
Today is mild heart palpitations, and that heavy chest feeling, where u can breathe totally fine but u FEEL like u might not be able to- weird. Zero pain associated with any of this and definitely happens each month. I'm just curious as to "how/what" the hormones are doing and why.
I've been sleeping all wacky too so my neck is really out of alignment or something. Other than that no pain.
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maria59405 Str8tfans
gailannie Str8tfans
To answer your question, on (or by) day 15 of your cycle, your estrogen should have hit a high for the month, and you should have ovulated, which means your progesterone levels are starting to rise.
Your short period last month seem to indicate that your estrogen levels are declining. This would be indicated in the amount of bleeding (less) meaning that your estrogen isn't ramping up the lining of your uterus as it would with normal levels of estrogen. (Or at least that's certainly what it suggests)
Str8tfans gailannie
Thank you!
That does make a lot of sense.
So would you say that those types of levels, if that's what it is, will cause symptoms at those times during the cycles?
gailannie Str8tfans
Yes, they very possibly could. Progesterone is often called an “anti estrogen” which might account for some of what you’re feeling.
It might help to track your cycles & keep some notes. At the very least, you may be able to see a pattern.
Str8tfans gailannie
I'm starting to see a pattern. I've been putting certain symptoms down on dates in my phone and I'm seeing some correlation.
I was also beginning to suspect ovarian cysts or fibroids the other day, (two and three days ago) because of some mild aching in the area. (While trying to remind myself that my health anxiety is also a factor lol)
I did some research- and found incredible things about ACV and black strap molasses.
I started taking them yesterday and lo and behold- BOTH days I did it, I felt better after wards.
That being said, the molasses is so full of iron it could be showing that I have an iron deficientcy as well.
Who knows- but the stuff is great for you either way so I'm cool with it lol
Anonymous111 Str8tfans
Str8tfans Anonymous111