Question of the day

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HOW do we know are menopause symptoms are really menopause and not a sign of something else. i would be at the doctor everyday with all my symptoms.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Would love to know the same thing. Am I dizzy and having hot flashes because of peri, anxiety, or something else?!?!

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      exactly. Am i worrying about nothing or should i really be worrying.

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      yes thats what makes this all so awful.

      am I ill or nah????

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    It is tricky to manage. I took all of my symptoms to the doctor at different points and regularly get routine blood tests and that gives me the confidence to know what it is/isn't. Otherwise the worry of not knowing takes over xx

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    If a symptom lingers around long enough to start making my anxiety go in to overdrive, I make a doctor's appt. I've seen my doctor more than usual over the last 6 months and luckily she is familiar with women going through Perimenopause/menopause and is very understanding and doesnt make me feel crazy for any concerns I have. I try to keep track of symptoms I'm having and see how long they stick around or how often they show up, It eases my anxiety wen I notice it's one I've had before and that It will pass. It's no fun, but it's good to know that I'm not alone.

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    I have a great doctor that is understanding. When i get a new symptom, my health anxiety goes into full drive

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    I have a great doctor that is understanding. When i get a new symptom, my health anxiety goes into full drive

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    I know how you feel, always second guessing the symptoms and freaking when the new ones arrive

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    That’s why I am going to name this time in our lives Pam, the smoke and mirrors era! Because that’s the $15 million question, and we can never get a solid answer ! Is this really Menopause, do I have a terminal illness, is this heart disease, this stuff alone is enough to make anybody crazy ! And while I’m on the subject of crazy.... let me just tell you... today I have decided that I can no longer have caffeine because it literally has a very negative affect on my brain. It’s bad enough having the symptoms but in my opinion when we’re going through this... caffeine makes it 100 times worse, at least the moods and the snapping. My husband is getting on my last nerve today! I I told him... when we get home ....sit down and google perimenopause and menopause symptoms and then multiply that times 8 million!

    SORRY, I digress...That’s why we all end up in the ER or doctors office in this time, because of the symptoms, but then we give up because we don’t get any answers. I literally right now...could get in my car and drive and not come home for a week. I wish I had a friend who had a cabin in the woods... because I would leave and never return ! I read an article a very long time ago, regarding a woman that dueibg menopause, supposedly locked her self in her bedroom and never came out, till it was I can see why, it was to get away from all the annoying people that don’t understand ...LOL! Sorry, I digress, AGAIN! The answer to your question, PAM, is you really don’t! I do know for a fact tho, that symptoms get worse for those of you out there that have your period still, they get worse at ovulation and about a week before the period, during the period, and sometimes a week after the period, so ...yes ...basically all month long. But it’s the same thing for those of us who are postmenopausal and don’t get a period... only not as bad ....I THINK! In a way I feel postmenopausal, mentally it gets worse! I know these were not the answers you were looking for, but they are the best I have;) XO

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    SO funny story. ive been posting all this week about my throat trouble, ringing in the ear etc. Last year went to EnT, had a brain mri, hearing tests, ears were fine, mri was fine, thank GOD, thought it could be hormones. So yesterday went to my DOCTORS nurse practioner, she looked in my ears, fine, throat fine, glands fine, bp was fine, oxygen level was fine, heart rate fine, normal temperature. She noticed the right side sinuses were inflamed and gave me a prescription for some kind of FLONASE, before my appt i wasnt feeling thst great, left the doctors office, feeling better and went back to work, before i went to bed, did the flonase and some saline solution, made me feel weird, im not one that takes meds, woke up this morning, feeling not that bad, ear was not ringing, got home from work, did the flonase, about 1/2 hour my throat felt weird, like it did before, now my ear is ringing and my ear is clogged. my health anxiety kicked in, my boyfriend is trying to tell me you were just at the doctor, you are fine, but now my ear hurts and i think the worse. Yet today at work i was fine. THIS SUCKS

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