Quitting after 17 years..
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hello ladies,
i an mew here.
i have been taking hrt for 17 years. Now my doctor refuses to prescribe them. He suggested to use a patch which doesn't work as well. I feel hot flashes coming again, How do I get off it gradually?
Any natural suggestions?
any help is very much appreciated.
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JanieMac ner80645
I realise that this response doesn't answer your question, but I'm keen to hear whether your GP tried to stop you taking HRT before now? I've been on it for 5 years, and mine is talking to me about coming off it soon....which I don't want to do.
ner80645 JanieMac
My doctor tried many times to make me stop but I am still working. There are many young people working with me and I can't be seen as if a pail of water was dropped over my head. .
so now I switched to the patch but the dosage is much lower and the hot flashes are back, my skin and my hair are not the same and I hate it all. My doctor said I am his only patient still taking hormones.
sue58256 ner80645
ner80645 sue58256
JanieMac ner80645
Thanks for your response. Like you, I am working and don't want to go back to not sleeping and feeling dreadful. Are you able to switch GPs?
ner80645 JanieMac
alison28608 ner80645
ner80645 alison28608
JanieMac ner80645
I am amazed that they are shocked that you take hormones. Must admit I'd assumed that younger doctors would be more positive about HRT as I once saw a young locum who thought that the research was more positive than the press portrayed it. My gynaecologist, who removed my ovary 3 years ago, also thought there were more positives than negatives but he was in his 60s.
alison28608 ner80645
JanieMac ner80645
Just looked at Google re HRT and found that NICE revised their guidelines to GPs in November 2015, and were much more positive about HRT. Here is the link if you're interested:
Sochima822 ner80645
Wow, that is the longest I've heard of anyone being on HRT. 3-5 years is usually the maximum time they allow. As for the flushes, I had them bad, my doctor put me on gabapentin which got rid of them. I stopped taking them after a year, then my flushes came back with a vengeance but I decided to go the natural route. I tried black cohosh and it didn't work, sage made me sick, I took flax seed oil and that seemed to work to reduce the flushes. Try not to take a shower in hot water, in fact I would rinse off with gradually turning the facet from warm to the coldest I could handle on my back. Also, cut off all caffeine, coffee, tea and chocolate. You will feel the difference. As well avoid anything with soy in it. Soy is a hormone disruptor. Lastly, if all else fails and what I did, was sleep on two frozen packs, covered in a towel. Also, drinking a tablespoon of organic vinegar helps
ner80645 Sochima822
I don't know anyone who has been taking HRT for that long and I admit it only in this forum.
I am already cutting the dosage and will take your advice regarding showers, soy , not chocolate....and coffee only in the mornings.
thank you.
Sochima822 ner80645