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Hi girls anyone mind races I find I'm thinking or over thinking things like mind telling me that I would be like this for ever and I don't know why ur happens I try to stay positive especially if I can't keep busy I'm typing here and shaking bit I get anxious because I just want to go back how I was and it's taking ages get my self rout but why I feel I have no control with nothing wish I could just stay quiet but I'm all over the place like I'm fighting myself to do this that and third last night was bad telling myself crap so I couldn't relax anybody knows how to keep quiet and watch TV 

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24 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi again my friend, what you describe I think has happened to alot of us. I go to bed exausted from 5/6 days of insomnia no decent sleep at all and my brain just will not shut up. It goes over and over crap that I havent even been thinking about and at 100 miles an hour! So boy do I know the feeling. At least you know now that you are not the only one. They say misery loves company so join the club hun! Here if you need me. XXX
  • Posted

    Hi Maria, yes, unfortunately, over-thinking, being too anxious (almost having a mini-panic attack) and feeling almost like out of body/out of mind is not so very uncommon. A few years back when I was probably in perimenopause it spooked me out no end. Had no idea that it was peri. It is only now when I think back that I realize I was going thru perimenopause without knowing what it was. I was in mid-40's (now I am 50, and menopausal for the last year) and had no idea about perimenopause and all that. 

    Of course this transition is no cake-walk, but it becomes easier once you realize that most of the changes are due to changing levels of hormones.

    Hang in there, it often gets better with time, though I still have get to that plateau. Still going through the long list of symptoms. Check this group often, you will definitely get answers to most issues. 

  • Posted


    I’ve been this way for about 5wks now. I’m so anxious & I’m not sleeping, my body sweats, mind feels out of control AM hours r my worst time, & I can’t be still. Leg muscles, joints, back & neck ache and stomach twists and groans.  Bowel upset also.  I’ll be 50 in September. I’m seeing an Endocrinologist today and hoping for answers. Had a multitude of blood, stool, and other tests performed in last couple wks. All tumors, cancers or imbalances. That leaves HORMONES??!!! How can THAT make me feel like I’m losing my mind & control of body....I will ask today for a full panel of Adrenal & Hormone testing.  Many ladies in this link r telling same stories we r...all seems to lead to Peri Menopausal Hormone imbalances.  Lord let this be figures out quickly and I hope you get to a Dr also. Not knowing makes the anxiety worse. The mind plays with us and anxiety isn’t healthy. I hope some good vitamins & maybe even talk therapy will help me. I’ll update when Hormone testing comes back. Good Luck &

    Remember you’re not alone. 

  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    You’ve decided me almost ! Give it take a few differences ! I’m probably worse than you with the anxiety ? I have to take a Valium to attend ANY appointment . .  Dentist, Hairdresser or even the doctors !! It has to be Hormones because if it isn’t we’ve all got the same damn illness ! I wasn’t like this before so I hang on to belief I will feel normal again xx Deb xx

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie, I need that drug..I can't stay still no way in bed is ok..I'm going to see my dr about this I need to be relax when watching the TV and I do my shopping and I pushing through it as much as I can..can you relax at home or in bed how about house work and that

    • Posted

      Hi Maria, I have to say it saved me 🙏🏼 I could into a state 4 years ago and could not calm down. It was just awful . . . I’m fine any where as long as it’s not an appointment, that’s when I get uptight and feel like I can’t relax ? I hope they will let you have it or something similar ! It can be addictive so you really have to limit yourself with it ! I really hope you can fe better xx bloody hormones xx

  • Posted

    Hi maria i to have a racing mind and overthink everything mainly health anxiety that makes mw think i am going to die of somthing bad ... its takes ovwr my life i have to take diazapan most days because i a mess
    • Posted

      Hi Maud,  are you in the U.K. ? I know how you feel, it’s awful isn’t it ? I have Diazepam but only  a very small prescription for 10 at a time.  Therefore I have to limit when I can take them xx 
    • Posted

      Hi Maud, yes I think that too, because of loosing weight and heart pounding I give up with this hormone crap about time it leave me alone I have no periods 14 months free I been through peri with funny things happening to me now more crap on top I think I'm anxious because like everyone else want to carry on with your life and catch up..but this phase is to long and torturing to the mind and body..hormones flatuate even after periods end until they calm down

    • Posted

      Yes debbie am in the uk i have 5mg but latley seem to need them everyday to have some soet of life xx
    • Posted

      Hi Maud,  mine are 2mg.  You’re very lucky to have a Doctor who will prescribe them for you when you need them.  Wish I could get them more regularly.  I’m glad you’re able to get some relief with them xx
    • Posted

      Its so horrible it makes us feel like we seriously ill

      I drive my family nuts with all these syptoms my period was 4 years ago

    • Posted

      I ask my mental healt nurze i was referred to her by my gp who said it aint menapauae you are depressed but i new i wernt ... when you go docyors thats what they tell us xx
    • Posted

      I drive myself mad no one else because people would run away from you I'm trying hard to find myself again 

    • Posted

      Maud i’d be very interested to know how you get to see a mental health nurse please ? x didn’t even know they igsisted x
    • Posted

      These bloody know all gps drive me nuts. They dont know unless theyve specialised in hormone disorders whether you are menopausing or not. Only an endocrinologist who can do full hormone count can tell if its that causing your problems and any dr worth their salt would refer you to one not a mental health nurse??? Here when you need me Maud. XXX
    • Posted

      Hi debbie, the organisation is called. Health in Mind now. Either you can get your gp to refer you or you can contact them yourself and do a self referral. Good luck hun there will be a wait as the services are very stretched. XXX
    • Posted


      After many of the same symptoms I mentioned before my GI Dr found me healthy and highly recommended an Endocrinologist...found a female and went today. She listened intently and than requested an Ultrasound of my Thyroid, saying My GP only checked 1 level in Thyroid she ordered & Thyroid has many things to check. My GP said my Tjyroid was FINE!!! Endo Dr also ordered a multitude of nutrient, vitamin, hormone, blood sugar & Adrenal panels of blood work. 

      Most complete review & far More comprehensive than my GP ever offered or recommended. My GI did endoscopy/colonoscopy to rule out Celiac, Chrohn, IBS, etc. as I also have bowel issues!

      I’m most impressed with the full bore approach of the female (of course!) Endocrinologist who heard my symptoms and truly heard my anxiety & concerns. 

      It takes a lady to hear a lady sometimes. 

    • Posted

      I totally agree. Sounds like youve got a good endo there hang on to her for dear life you never know when you may need her expert advice again! XXX
    • Posted

      Hi Maud and the rest of you ladies.

      Its reallly maddening that doctors are telling a HUGE population of women that they are depressed when they are all menopausal.

      Depression and anxiety is one of many SYMPTOMS of menopause and perimenopause because of our fluctuating hormones, diminishing hormones and the adrenals have to take over (which are ofcourse more important than the sex hormones so they get the back burner)

      By no means is it the DX. There is ALWAYS a root cause of a symptom.

      i have difficult life altering depression and anxiety and never really did until i hit menopause. 53 yrs and BAM I have depression and anxiety.

      ALL of this is ENDOCRINE related and SHAME on the medical community for not acknowledging and firmly SUPPORTING this. If this was a mans problem, it would have been solved 100 yrs ago.

      kudos to all of you tough women out there. Its day to day for me, so i feel you all..


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