Raised blood pressure

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hello, I haven't had a hot flush for awhile but earlier on today I had a really bad one and I felt quite unwell, when I checked my bp it was 158/107

does anybody else have the same thing happening to them?? 

Would be grateful for any help, thanks Angie

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I am now on blood pressure tablets never had a bp problem before so if I was you I would get yourself checked by the doctor.
  • Posted

    Hi Angela, 

    Messy hormons can cause irregular heart beat and  blood pressure variation.  It is probably nothing, but yes, always get yourself checked.

    Take care

  • Posted

    Hi yes I'm already on blood pressure tablets

    And I take Q10 Enzime but yes I think I'll ring the docs

  • Posted

    Hi Angela

    Yes this has happened to me I feel warn and I start having a headache and yes my blood pressure does go up, and so does my heart rate at times. When you are feeling these hot flashes maybe you should take a cold shower or lie down and put Ice on you forehead. You will be fine and do some deep breathing to bring your blood pressure down

  • Posted

    Hi Angela

    I was having a hard time with my blood pressure, the doctor has put me on blood pressure tablets! mine was 165/91 - yours is high, you must see your doctor! apparently a lot of women suffer high blood pressure through pre-menopause.

    One ggod thing isI no longer have sweats or hot flushes with these tablest!

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