Re-occurring UTI's

Posted , 6 users are following.

Hi Ladies,  I just remembered what my mom said years back....that it's better to wear cotton underwear so the area down there can breath.  The nylon, satin kinds of underwear keeps moisture inside and may cause ongoing urine infections.  I remember I used to get them often one after another.  xxoo

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi HotDot your right of course, also pant liners can cause irritation with bleach and perfumes in them as well.  i use the organic plastic, perfume and chlorine free by natracare. 


  • Posted

    I remember as a teenager putting toilet tissue in my undies as I sometimes had a bad discharge. No more discharge nowadays so I now use tissue in case I sneeze! Don't you just love being a woman xx
    • Posted

      If there is another life after this one I am coming back as a man! It's really the pits! hehe. xxoo
    • Posted

      Don't know if I would want to come back as a man either - they can come with their own little problems too 'pardon the pun'. Maybe a cat frown
    • Posted

      Ahhhh you are right.  I wouldn't want that thing hangin in between my legs forever. A cat would be better lol xo
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      Remember a girl who used to get teased for padding her bra with her brother's socks (she didn't: she was just flat chested, and 14yrs old!!  Teenage boys were worse than girls way back in the early 70s!) .

      Also remember when I was about 21, a workmate sent me in to her (male) Boss' room to have a look for a bit of tissue.......that's fallen out of her knickers and she'd lost by the time she got to the staff loo!  (The things you do for pals, when you're young....we were not fazed by anything!)

      Giggled at your personal and varied 'used' for tissue in your knickers.  I wonder if what you thought of as a 'bad discharge' was no more than good ol' natural lubricant - that we're all now having to buy in a tube now ha, ha!!cheesygrin

    • Posted

      Yes Shaznay I miss my 'natural lubricant' and my time of the month too as a few days with pms was so much easier than all the hormonal symptoms we go through now xx
  • Posted

    HotDot - our mums were a wealth of good advice. All us sisters were never 'flash drawers'-types. Have you heard of Marks & Spencers? Good ol fashioned, sensible knickers for generations of woman in the UK.

    I think the likes of Victoria's Secret gear is that its only left on for the 10 mins before its being ripped off by some handsome, rampant hunk......or am I just buying into the hype?!


    • Posted

      Yes moms were informative but we never believed them at the time being young and stubborn.  I remember my mom buying me stretchy pants cuz they were soo comfortable.  No wonder I got beat up a lot haha xxoo
    • Posted

      I think my stretchy pants came from Marks and Spencer's 😢😢
    • Posted

      I can't tell you how many girls I've met over the years at Slimming World who've blamed elasticated waists/ leggings/Jeggings/all-things Lyrca for their weight gain:-) !

      I love a pair of leggings, me!!

    • Posted

      ........and I never get UTIs, amazingly! (Famous last words......!)
  • Posted

    Hi, I just got the same advice recently so I have bought new underwear!  I tell you what with buying supplements and getting things like acupuncture this is an expensive business!!!!LOLX
    • Posted

      Or you can wear none and just let it breathe and breathe away lol. Maybe that's why thongs were invented. Hmmm that could be the answer too xxoo
  • Posted

    I still have a drawer full of thongs but can no longer fit into them or look good in them. Can't believe I'm wearing Bridgette Jones style drawers now lol x
    • Posted

      Don't worry dear you can always use those thongs as sling shots when you get angry hehe
    • Posted

      Haha Hotdog and I was wondering if I could sell them to teenagers on Ebay!!

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