Ready to snap!!!!
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i was fine until yesterday now im on day 6 of cycle and i feel like i will snap like this surge running thru my body of agitation and my body feels tense as hell! I dont get it i thiught i would feel like this before period not after grrrr its like u want to rip someones head off and obviously eont but then it sits and brews and my body feels so trnse and on edge then on top of it i rebooted my computer this morning and mow it has an error code and have to get fixed and that wont hapoen today and i wirk from home and now im stressing and fustrated and want to cry all if a sudden the littlest things put me in edge i feel like im lising my mind cause i feel this way plus my entire body aches and i feel tired and i dint even feel like this before period and my breasts are sore full and bloated i feel crazy! an i the only one????
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laura26665 christina81747
You are not alone. With many of my periods now I am pmsing right after I finish my period. I should feel relief, but instead I am pmsing. So frustrating!
christina81747 laura26665
Ughhh! dint understand it i work from home and sit at my computer and feel so hyper and my brain feels like its spinning aroundbworrying about everything i can then i want to cry but dont and i know the littlest thing will set me off good ir badnits like i have no more room in my body to handle anything maybe just overstressed just doesnt make sense to me how i coukd be fine and now this dread ughh!
Lisaippie christina81747
you aren't alone i feel that way almost everyday now feel like im going nuts
catherine73049 christina81747
Not alone me to get few good day then all of a sudden feel like I'm goin mad what a life us women have got 🙄
sara97862 christina81747
Hi Christina,
Day 2 here, but can totally relate. You are not the only one.
I ache all over, as if I have some horrible tropical disease. Ribs, shoulders, hips, knees, head, thighs, arms. As if every muscle and ligament in my body is shriveling up and squeezing the living daylights out of every nerve in my body.
Even though it's Day 2, my boobs are swollen and achey, as though I haven't even started yet.
I can't handle the slightest bit of stress. (Which is too bad, because I hurt my back a few weeks ago, and am trying to get through physical therapy for that in addition to the day-to-day responsibilities).
Everybody says "rest. take it easy. you hurt yourself. you need to recover". Really? Who's going to do the sh** that needs to get done then?
I am so over all of it.
Hope you get some peace soon.
christina81747 sara97862
Thank you! right now i have a horrible head ache my breasts are still swollen on day 6 i get it who is going to donit all if we rest i work from home two kids home im 49 and feel old lol no breaks from reality and now i feel like i have cramps head hurts hust want to cry dont know why feel anxious what else the list goes on everyone annoys me i just wantnto tell them to f**k off lol i have an injury in shoulder thats acting up and i feel like im coming out of my skin if that makes sense and i feel
like i can cry at the drop of a hat
sara97862 christina81747
It totally makes sense to me, honey. My responsibilities haven't increased beyond the norm the past 4 weeks. Just my body. And feeling like hell physically just makes the day-to-day overwhelming instead of challenging and rewarding.
sara97862 christina81747
Oh, btw, I will be 49 in 2 months myself. I do not like.
Friends asked me "do you think you'll mind getting older?" At the time I was naive enough to say "age is just a number". Obviously, I was not counting on all this physical hell.