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Hi ladies, just went to my primary dr yesterday. I am getting annoyed. Everything i do is wrong. He doesn’t want me to drink nutrition shakes, don’t eat this, don’t eat that! I don’t smoke, drink or anything. Wants me to get tested and see specialists again for things that got ruled out 6 months ago! I swear he’s clueless. Doesn’t want me on hormones. Wants me to do things “naturally”...yet he has me on an antidepressant 🤣. Doesn’t believe that my fatigue is perimenopause related...yet said that some women have a hard time! Took more blood and did a chest xray...ugh! Sorry just needed to vent!
3 likes, 28 replies
sharcerv52408 Guest
Time to see a new doctor. You are having enough going through these crazy symptoms and then to have a doctor that seems like they are all over the place like that with your care. Why would he retest for something that was ruled out? What is he trying to give you something you don't have? I wonder about these doctors. I had something somewhat similar happen to me. I went for a routine mammogram. But I went somewhere new and they didn't have my films from last year. So they wanted to do a sonogram too. So I was like OK fine. They said the mammogram was unclear but the sonogram was normal. So they wanted to do another mammogram. So I did they said that they still couldn't see anything. So they had me go for an ultrasound. That came back normal. So they wanted an MRI. I never went back for the MRI. I thought to myself that these people are making a fortune off of me taking all these images. So I am going to the previous place and have it redone. Some of these places don't have a clue and shouldn't be in the medical profession at all! Sorry you have to go through this.
Guest sharcerv52408
Sassyr12a Guest
Get a new doctor Lou. Don't waste any time with a doctor who isn't listening or doesn't get it. This isn't something that you can just walk off or solve through nutrition only... Those things are really helpful, but you've got other options and you deserve to make up your own mind for what works for you. Good luck love xx
debra16694 Guest
Hi Lou - May I ask what your symptoms were, if you & your dr were concerned about MS?
Guest debra16694
Last August I was getting numbness, tingles in my hands and feet. Off balance,Dizzy head, fatigue. My dr (at the time). Sent me for a brain MRI, then, Neurologist. This all coincided with me turning 40 and stopplong term Birth control use. I got brushed off when I asked about perimenopause. But, better to be safe than sorry😊
Guest debra16694
kelly55079 Guest
Yes.. better safe than to be sorry.. Last fall, I had about the same symptoms and went for an MRI. I was so scared but thank goodness it was all clear. That's strange about the nutrition shakes, I wanna why because sometimes I add protein to my smoothies..
kelly55079 Guest
Yes.. better safe than to be sorry.. Last fall, I had about the same symptoms and went for an MRI. I was so scared but thank goodness it was all clear. That's strange about the nutrition shakes, I wanna why because sometimes I add protein to my smoothies..
Guest kelly55079
He was giving me crap because i drink the little bottles that begin with E (chocolate)... i know they have chemicals in them. But, apparently it’s ok for me to be on an anti depressant 🙄Sometimes, I’m so’s better than eating nothing! I’m small and need all the calories I can get!
louellen39047 Guest
Hey sound like me and my experiences!
I think it's time to find yourself another doc. Even if he were to have been right about these things...the fact that YOU don't feel comfortable with him or his advice is telling me that you need another doc to talk to. All of your records can be switched over or....she/he can start all over again. Maybe, just asking for copies of your test results might be what's needed here. Keep them with you so that if you do decide to go to someone else and don't want your current physician requisitioned for them, you'll have them. Just tell the front desk that you're going away or you've been advised to have your records with you "just in case you need them"??? That can move onto another consult and see how you feel about a new doc but, still return to your old one.
Guest louellen39047
Thanks louellen...i think i will be changing. It is exhausting enough to have to get to these appointments only to waste time and my precious energy😊
Sochima822 Guest
He sounds to me as if he's getting kickbacks from the office to bill your insurance which in turn they get a percentage of for sending you to different services. It's about the money and doesn't have your best interest.
sharcerv52408 Sochima822
That's what I was just saying above in my post about my mammogram. They kept sending me back and forth until I finally realized that this was a money scheme for them to keep billing stuff on my tests.
Sochima822 Guest
I recommend you see a female gynecologist who can better understand what you're going through. I don't understand why ladies keep seeing gp's when they're not experienced enough in female issues. I ended up in the psych ward once after going to the Emergency when I was having non-stop heart palps, hyperventilating and chest pain. When they found nothing they sent me to the psych ward thinking i was a hypochondriac. When my gynecologist found out she was livid. She said omg, no one there has experience with perimenopause symptoms. Then she said please call me before going to the Emergency so you don't end up getting tossed around to different departments when I can just give you something to make it stop. I never went back to the Emergency for any other symptoms. She was extremely helpful and would call me to how I was doing whenever she'd put me on something new. She was good until she had to leave on a family emergency. The clinic changed management and now I'm looking for a new gynecologist. I'll do my interview of her(whoever she is) and assess whether she's knowledgeable enough to understand perimenopause and if not I'll look for someone else.
Guest Sochima822
I am so sorry you had to go through that! My dr so far has suggested counseling for me🙄. I’m sure it’s because they just added a new psych department where i go...maybe he gets a commission 😂
I had an obgyn she just left the practice in June...only got to see her a couple of times. I have to wait until October to see another who is taking new patients (and my insurance). I hate when you just get used to one, then have to start all over.