Really really fed up.

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Hi ladies

Well I've come on here to express myself. I don't want to talk about it to my family.

Some of you may remember I am on HRT.

Certain things have slightly improved but nowhere near enough.

I've been going back and forward to the doctors for months now.

At the start of all this i was in bed with fear and panic.

Now I can go places but don't feel comfortable for too long.

Acid reflux is a bit better.

Still got tense aching muscles.

I have got burning mouth syndrome and a jaw problem which makes my head feel like it is blowing off and my face tingles and ears ring.

I had a biopsy of my mouth and waiting for results.

A week or so ago my blood pressure was low and I was told to have more salt . Also my throat is fluttery and a burning sensation (not the same as sheer panic)

I cannot rest anywhere. I've been trying to accept that it will ease eventually.

My mum reckons thyroid as a lady on here pointed it out but my doctor said I don't need to have a blood test because I had one nine months ago!

Surely I should have one now?

Overall my symptoms are still:

Severe head and jaw pressure

Tingling face

Burning mouth syndrome

Tight chest due to fluttery feelings in throat

So tired and fatigued .

I can take a lot but this is something else!

What do you ladies reckon?

Also I'm awaiting a neurologist app re my headaches and twitches.

So down.

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26 Replies

  • Posted

    Mellow out. Be happy it is menopause, the alternatives aren't good.

    Menopause makes you think the worst. Treat yourself like you are a hormonal teenager. You know how that was.

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle Me too. Fed up I don't work and find it hard to keep busy always

    Tingling in the legs

    Heart palpations




    Hot flashes

    Bone pains


    Dry mouth

    Been through this long enough hoping each day to feel better

    • Posted

      Omg...this was all me....i also cannot work....but....its getting better....And thé fatigue....unbearable....i had High tsh....thyroid... was on goodness ..felt différent but dreadful....

      If its thé change,then....i found it Hell... but...its passing,goodluck all x

    • Posted

      Thankyou. Glad you're slightly better. How long was it between feeling soon bad to where you are now?
    • Posted

      Looking back it crept on at around thé age of 46-47....

      But around 48-49 u felt Like gone from going to thé gym,wanting to go out dancing to just being able to survive....really....thé last couple of years iv struggled,had to give up work....hard to look after m'y grandaughters..purely to major fatigue,weak,no Stamina....i can tell iv Changed(postmenopause now)two years....

      I personally feel Like im starting again,slow to getting my fitness back,and all of a sudden im sleeping,...

      Hang in there,

      Read up on whats good,


      And i did give up alcohol,cant tolerate it anymore,coffee to....

      I am végétarien,but am now eating eggs twice a week,..

      Hope this helps x

    • Posted


      Im 51 now 52 this November :0)...

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. So sorry you are feeling rubbish. It wears you down doesn't it? Particularly constant fatigue - even with hrt I still have terrible fatigue, but I think it's hard to tell for me at present as (as you know) I am unwell with other non related health problems at present which i think the terrible fatigue is largely down to. The other week, I drove to my village post office to take some cash out, drove down road to shop for some milk & flowers to cheer me up, drove to doc's for my appointment, then chemist on way back to pick up prescription. I was totally exhaused when I got back which is ridiculous/abnormal. I am in no way trying to tell you what you should do here, but if I was in your shoes right now I would:

    1) Phone your gp surgery & ask if they have a specialist menopause/women's health gp or nurse. If yes, make an appt with them. If not, make an appt with another gp (not the rubbish one that is your own). I honestly think they should put you up to 200mg progesterone not the 100mg you are on (based on my specialist meno gp & product leaflets).

    2) Take your progesterone just before bedtime, not "anytime" like your gp said. (based on product leaflet & what my gp advised.)

    3) Make an appt with a different gp than your own (the one you saw last time) & push/insist you have bloods done again for thyroid as your bp has been low recently & not done for 9mths!

    4) If (& I hope you do) go upto 200mg progesterone & take it at bedtime, see how you go for 1mth. If you don't feel even the slightest improvement, you could talk to doc/meno specialist about trying a different estrogen formula.

    5) Book yourself in for that back/neck/shoulder massage we spoke about recently when you don't have to do anything afterwards(so you can relax for couple of hours after).

    I hope this helps hun'; when you are sick to death of it all sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees. Maybe my little "help" list will help you work through some possible solutions & "target" each possibility in some order. xxx

    • Posted


      It's a great help thankyou. I sound like I'm really moaning don't I? I don't normally. Best wishes to you xx

    • Posted

      Oh that fatigue really is Like no other isnt it.....

      Like youve climed ten mountains and recovering from major surgery at thé same time....x

    • Posted

      You know something looloo you are such a give so much good advice and u care so much about us lady's it tells in your messages.I wish my gp was like you understanding..your our rock on here and all my post I put up you take time to read and reply just want you to know your brilliant xxxx
    • Posted

      Yes looloo you are a very helpful and caring lady. Thanks for your help 🌝
    • Posted

      No Michelle, you are not moaning at all! Its you looking for support & answers, & venting a bit - all of which you can do with us girls on here hun!! xxx
    • Posted

      We all need to vent from time to time.

      Without the ladies on here, I for one would find it harder. Knowing your not alone and people here understand and can share feelings and remedies that have worked.

      Big hugs Michelle are here when you need them. X Sazzie x

    • Posted

      Dear Beverley, Michelle, Lynda & of course Sis. Thankyou so much for your lovely kind comments about me! They really touched my heart. I love to help people if I can. If I can detect any of us ladies getting a little better, stronger, or benefiting even a little bit from my posts, it makes me happy to read. You are all so wondeful too - it's so good to talk to ladies about the problems of peri/meno & draw on one another's experiences & help. I wish I'd been cleverer at school - I would've loved to have been a gp to you all, but would probably get sacked for overspending on the tests, quicker appointments, specialist knowledge & treatments we should all get!!!! Much love to you all. smile xxxxxxxxxx

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