Really struggling

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Well...yet again another day waking up feeling like i have been hit by a bus,painful limbs,headache,deaf,bloated,nausea,hot....but do the,"just get on with it thing...but sit down and feel like i just cant today" anyone else like this...

No periods for a year or more,ive seen gp,going back this week to see about possible 50 this year....all i can think of is that i wish this neverending feeling would stop...

ive tried dietry changes

did yoga yesterday..worst nights sleep last night

Anyone out there have any tips that work...

please share...thankyou all......x

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Awww Lisa...I could have written that myself. I am 52 and had a job & a llife!! not now sad.....I tried hrt but made me feel worse so stopped it after 8 weeks of further hell!!  I dont know what the answer is, I just live for hearing others say " it will get better ".  I just want to work and get my independance back get ME BACK!!  I too feel rubbish when I wake up and takes most of the day to feel normal whatever that is! I have all the symtoms, also anxiety that I have never experienced before, where did that come from?  Off balance feeling is debilitating, I take wellsprings 20 to 0ne for hot flushes its amazing by the way.  Everything else I try to deal with on a daily basis.  I think the worse thing is my children seeing me like this when they use to ook up to me and now see someone who has lost all confidence and cant work due to this dreadful all just adds to the frustration I feel.  Sorry Im not much help x
  • Posted

    Firstly, is this def the menopause? Could be CFS. Try vitamin B and Magnesium supplements and multivitamins and minerals.  these should help either of these conditions. And be patient and try to be sensible about resting and going with it, until you feel better, and meditation.. Dont fret about doing unimportant things, you must put your health first. Perhaps doctor could give you mild tranquilliser like amitryptiline which will help pain as well. Regards, Anne "this too will pass".x
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa

    i too am 50 next month, been in peri for 9 years, last period Aug 13, 

    can relate to all .... i dont take HRT or antidepressants... 

    i have felt much relief with 300mg Vit B6 each day, a must for peri ladies, has been a god send for me, plus other natural remedies... good luck Jay xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for that tip! Im off out to get some Vit B6 right now! xx
    • Posted

      hi Trevis

      heres some useful info.. i do take other natural remedies too..


      Vitamin B6 plays several roles in the body. It is essential for red blood cell development and keeping the immune system at peak performance. It is also needed to help keep hormone production, such as with serotonin, in the brain stabilized. When the body lacks B6, mood suffers as proper chemical production declines. During perimenopause, stress and depression cause the body to lose this needed vitamin. This can make a woman in her menopausal state feel exhausted and irritable, according to Lark. Another factor in the decline of B6 in the body can be attributed to the rise of estrogen during perimenopausal spikes or hormone replacement therapies. This goes hand in hand with the aforementioned estrogen increase causing depression.

      good luck Jay xx

    • Posted

      thank you so much Jayneejay I really appreciate this info and I will be going for the Vitamin B6.  all good wishes to you too! xxx
  • Posted

    Good Morning Ladies, I'm in Los Angeles, CA. we have a store called "Whole Foods" I don't know what is comparable in the U.K.. It's all natural, health foods, vitamins. Anyway, I went to speak to their nutritionist. He was a young man (talk about embarrassing) Nonetheless, he gave me great advice on what to take and what to try. I had to go a few routes to figure it out what was best for me and I have to adjust with my symptoms.  Just upped my vitamin B6 thanks to Jays advice) and I feel it's really giving me more energy and helping with water retention. Not drinking alcohol staved off my hot flashes. I used to drink a glass of red wine with dinner. Sadly, no more. sad I workout even when I feel I can't. Whether it's just on the treadmill or a long walk. One thing I loved about London when I was there in April is you can walk for miles. Even at night. I'm almost 52 and no period for almost 15 months (Yea) It seems all is smoothing out... Like I stated before in another part of this thread... the off balance and dizzy, jelly leg thing with nausea. I'm so grateful for this blog... in Los Angeles, people deny going through this hell and I think we should have a support group. I don't lie about my age or what's going on with my body to my friends. My point: I'm grateful to you ladies whom have shared your stories and information. Cheers.
  • Posted

    HELLO. I went to acupucuture and my hot flashes went away, night sweats decreased to hardly ever and my bladder issues disappeared. I still have slight issues with all of these because I haven't been to a treatment in a few months, but they are okay. My acupucuturist gave me herbs to take as well. Oh and I cut out sugar...all forms...with an occasional maple syrup sip.
  • Posted

    Thankyou thankyou for your responses....

    Trevis....i wished you were near so that we could get together for a coffee or i suppose now it would be better to opt for herbal...(caffine not good for us at the moment )...i can so relate to wanting to get me back...but...maybe it will be a different time...and confidence!!!! well...thats just gone with the wind...

    Anne...i thought about cfs...and fibro...but at this point in life gps go with the big M,so...have faith in them,for now i thought.

    Jayneejay...ive tried vitamins,still on them...

    However,this morning i went back to gp and have opted to try fluoxetine...i came home with the thought that i am being positive and doing something about this crazy difficult time,hopefully it will give me the chance to focus on what i can do and not on the things i cant...i wonder sometimes if we kind of grieve in a way

    as quite a few of us seem to feel like we want to get our old self back...

    Thankyou so much to you that really does help xxx

    because for alot of us 


  • Posted

    Thanks Lisa326......pls keep in touch smile here any time xx
  • Posted

    Oh dear I could have written all that myself too. Am so over this. Just started b6 hoping this helps already taking bioidentical progesterone magnesium zinc iron and doing yoga changed diet but still no relief. Have sone good days but many bad ones. Ringing in my ears deaf heart palps dizzy tired but dont sleep properly sore joints panic and anxiety struggle to do daily tasks. I really feel for everybody going thru this its horrible. I used to do everything without a second thought now cant plan things in case I have bad day. I love this site it makes me feel like I am not alone

    thanks everyone

    • Posted

      What brand 'bioidentical progesterone' please?  I have not been able to find one.
    • Posted

      Just reading everyone's reviews is making me feel somewhat better about myself.... This debilitating feeling is just too much sometimes.  Thanks everyone I too don't feel so alone any more.
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      its prescription bioidentical progesterone in troche and made up at a compounding pharmacy. 

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