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Hi Ladies I had a really bad panick attack after taking vitamnin B tablets about 6 weeks ago but since then my anxiety levels have gone threw the roof even had a couple of not so bad panick attacks but ist always on my mind that could have bad one again and im supposed to be going on holiday for a week this weekend but all that is on my mind is what if I have a bad panick attack again please help me get my straight thankyou
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carole28488 donna27148
paula20385 donna27148
observe what am i thinking
what am i reacting to
what am i feeling
pull backput in some perapective see the bigger picter
is this fact or opinion
how would some one else see this
prectise what workswhats the best thing to do for me for others for this situation
i hope this helps it has for me i right it down how i am feeling and how i get over it
take care
paula x
anita31460 donna27148
Panic is just the worst thing. Unfortunately it feeds itself. Once you've had one you are so afraid of having another that you work yourself up into it. For me it really helps to know exactly what's happening in my body. Once you recognise the signs and symptoms as a normal chemical and neurological reaction to fear you'll be able to cope better with it. Panic attacks are not life threatening that's the main thing to get in your head and you're not going mad. It is just your body's extreme reaction to perceived danger. I know it's a cliché but breathing really is the key. If you can get your breathing under control the body's reaction will slow down. Trust me as one who has suffered with panic all my adult life. Just remember that you did get over it and you will again. Read Bev aisbett 'living with it' it's a great little book of cartoon characters but really puts panic in perspective
My heart goes out to you as I know how scary these times can be. Go on your holiday and tell yourself panic won't defeat you!
Good luck and take care of yourself
Anita xx
susan21149 donna27148
On Christmas Eve of last year I took a vitamin b had a really bad panic attack on it myself i do not take vitamin b anymore because of that i ended up in the ER with my heart rate up and everything that day.
I am prone to panic attacks and anxieties and yes its scary. Yesterday i was feeling anxiety ridden all day with palpitations was feeling weak like i was going to pass out did not know what to do had to get home right away to lie down with how i was feeling yesterday.
Try to think about the fun you are going to have on your holiday do not worry so much about panic attacks and anxieties because you will just bring them on by thinking and worring to much
You are okay and nothing bad happened you just know that you should not take vitamin b because it causes panic attacks in you just like it did me.
Just relax and tell your self you will be fine
cazjaz16 donna27148
nikiola18292 donna27148
Iv not heard that vit B will give you panic attacks. I had panic attack 4 years ago first in 46 years! all related to peri-menopause. Good advice about breathing control that is the key. Also to concentrate on something else as the panic feeds itself and you just spiral up out of control. It is a very scary feeling I have learnt to control myself a little better then before and not had one since. I am peri and take agnus castas which works for me. My GP would not give me AD when i asked for them, was v anxious at the time, but GP said no. Ups and downs some days i feel edgy others then calm seems to be day about at the mo. Random periods all over the place trying to ride all of this out with exercise and healthy diet.
Best regards xx
susan556 donna27148
Can Super B Complex cause increased anxiety and panic attacks?
21 Jan 2014 by Foxxii
super b complex, vitamins, anxiety, panic disorder, disorder, symptomDetails:I am wondering if B Complex vitamins can cause someone with anxiety and panic disorders to actually get increased symptoms from this? Along with having the anxiety disorders, I am also B12 deficient, so I take a B12 Vitamin every day . I found a new B12 that I wanted to try, but it also has Super B Complex in it. I took it for 4 days and my anxiety and panic levels shot through the roof, and made me have heart palpitations. This did not happen to me when I took the Vitamin B12 alone. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with adding in the B Complex since it didn't start until I added that in? I have not taken the vitamins for 2 days now, and it seems to be getting a little better, but how long will it take for the jitters and stuff to go away now? It feels like my anxiety med is not even working right now, that's how bad it is!
Added 22 Jan 2014:
Just wanted to update quick: As I was searching for the answer to this question on the web last night, I came across this post by someone and copied it. Hopefully it will help some other "unsuspecting" person that suffers from anxiety disorders, that thinks "Oh, it's just a vitamin, it can't hurt."
"Certain vitamins such as B-complex are stimulatory and will cause anxiety and even panic attacks in some people. Minerals such as copper, manganese and others are also stimulatory. Certain herbs such as ginseng and eluthero are also somewhat stimulatory and can cause anxiety. Be careful with supplements, as they are not all benign
susan21149 susan556
I know yesterday when i was out i was with my case worker and we went into Target I was having palpitations really bad felt like i was going to pass out felt weak had to go out to her car right away this went on when i took my 100mcg of levothyroxine It seemed to have made me speed up a little with the nerves I am cutting it back to 88mcg on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Even on Friday I was jumpy agitated in and out of the bathroom When i got home that day heart rate was at a 101 I wonder if the estradiol and the provera is making my thyroid go high again. Today i took my 88mcg as prescribed and not a lot of palpitations i do feel a little weak but not as much as yesterday
What do you ladies who have thyroid problem think
st68186 donna27148
Practical advice: There's a good free NHS booklet you can download at (scroll down to the booklet on Panic) which explains it all, and you can ask you GP to refer you to your local IAPT service for free cognitive behavioural therapy for panic if you need more help. There's likely to be a bit of a wait, though, so refer yourself in plenty of time before you go on holiday! It's the NICE recommended treatment for panic.
Donna, have a lovely holiday! Even if you panic, you are still safe and your health is not in danger.
Bobbins059 donna27148
Take Care, sending hugs