Reassurance that this will end??

Posted , 11 users are following.

Hi ladies. Having another bad day. I'm really seeking reassurance that all this will end one day. The thought of this being my life from now on makes me want to end it now. Anyone else feel like that? I'm on HRT and some days feel ok but I'm definitely still cycling as other days I just want to end it all. I'm on oral estradiol as I am allergic to sticking plaster so can't try the patches. Not seeing my consultant again until October. Please tell me this gets better 😞


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    sorry your feeling that way it does get better been on hrt for 8 months i am taking prempac -c it took a few months to work butgetting better hang in there

    take care

    paula x

  • Posted

    I feel just the same way. I get aches and pains in the morning which do ease when I get up and start moving around, and I never seem to get enough sleep.  I was on HRT. but my skin got really bad - bad acne - which I then read can happen with HRT - and I think I was putting on weight, so I stopped it.

    I have found that if I eat really healthily I actually dont suffer hot flushesvery much. I try to just believe that they wont happen instead of expecting them to - and I dont drink alcohol, - and it seems to work quite well.

    I believe women in some parts of the world suffer alot less from menopause symptons - probably down to being more active and healthy diet.

    I know its hard. I do get very depressed sometimes, and I dont drink because basically I used to have a drink problem, but I'm very glad now I dont, just for general health reasons.  

  • Posted

    Hi anita so sorry u having a bad time and yes ut does get better . Im going diwn the herbal natural route and things have improved dramatically for me after a horrendous start. I still get bad days but they getting further apart now and ive learned to cope with it a lot better so chin up and hopefully wont be too long before you feel better xx
  • Posted

    Hi Anita , have you thought about taking a low dose antidepressant ? I know it is not for everyone ,but certainly helps me ! 
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah

      I take citalopram 40mgs already. I know its all been helpful so far as I'm much better than I was but I still crash regularly.


  • Posted

    I was on a small dose of estrdiol plus provera to take my symptoms of menopause away the last week of July on a Tuesday I started bleeding really heavily was having anxieties and feeling weak and sick it went on up until my birthday and after I am not bleeding now but the the Urologist told me i was holding water in i was scared that it could have been an infection it wasn't 

    I am not taking the estrdiol or the provera to be on the safe side because of my two small cysts on my left ovary and the lesion on my right ovary. 

    When i was on it plus with the psychic meds there were times I felt racy nervous felt like I was going to pass out 

    I feel that HRTs and psychic meds do not mix well together 

    You should go in and talk to your doctor about how you are feeling because it varys with each indivitual on how meds react in there body 

  • Posted

    Thanks to everyone who has replied today. It really helps x
    • Posted

      Thanks Anita, hope you have a good night. I finally gave in later today and had some pain killers to fight the muscle aches and pains, and did some excercises, then had a lovely long rest. Feel OK now, hope the aches and pains aint back in the morning, but I must be realistic.
  • Posted

    Hi Anita, How are you, hope you're feeling a bit better. I know how you feel, I can have a few days were I feel ok then days where I feel really off with weird body sensations, woozy head, hot etc...just don't feel right (am sure there's a cycle like pattern, been nearly 2yrs now)& Yes there's times I think I don't want to be here anymore too, these menopausal hormones can reak havoc! 😫 Because I can't take HRT I take herbal menopause tablets which do give some relief but I too am still waiting for all this to end even though I've not had a period for a year. Here's to better days n getting back to normal. 

    Take care, sending hugs. 

  • Posted

    Hi Anita hope your day is better today. It does get better I'm 3.5years post at 52 and didn't use anything apart from antidepressants which helped a great deal hope you start having better days big hugs xx
  • Posted

    You are not alone. Some days I feel so awful I just want to go to sleep so I can forget about it all. These lovely ladies provide such help and encouragement. I find their replies very  reassuring. xx


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