Red Bloodshot eyes during perimenopause...
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Hi ladies- Anyone experiencing bloodshot red eyes during your monthly migraines or headache or dizzy-off balance day/week?? Mine is in only one eye in the corner very very red bloodshot its also the eye that eye get migraines in and above on that side..can anyone relate to this???
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kelly55079 Gypsy014
I had this exactly 2 years ago.. One eye was red. I didn't go to the Dr but that's when I got crazy about my BP. I thought that was the reason- high BP!!! I'm not diagnosed with high BP but I think it fluctuates. I keep up with magnesium or even beet powder in my smoothies just to help some. Exercise and healthy eating too.
Gypsy014 kelly55079
*Hi Kelly my eye that turns red in the corner happens every month now along with all the other symptoms, I'm not sure what it could be other than something to do with the migraines/headache part of this.. I already eat pretty healthy I've given all the fun yummy stud up, and never really could eat bad anyways because I would feel bad from certain foods so I've always been aware of what I eat, and blood pressure is definitely not high always just the opposite maybe because of the way I eat it always seems to be on the lower side. So who knows just another crazy symptom to add to my list of weird ones.. Its scary though like an eye bleed there.. It has me nervous uggh.. Thanks for your response 😃
Rainbow976 Gypsy014
I get this too Gypsy. Seems to be around the week before my period and first few days of period. I think it might be linked to estrogen levels dipping. I seem to get it at the same time as very dry skin.
However I saw an article by an Australian doctor that links estrogen to histamine so I don't knowif it's high or low causing it You should look it up, histamine can be a factor in a lot of symptoms like the head pressure/sinus issues, brain fog and digestion.
Lumify eye drops work really well to take the red out, my eye doctor said these are better than other drops because they don't cause rebound redness. Or try otc antihistamine eye drops , if it's histamine that might help.
Gypsy014 Rainbow976
Thanks rainbow, yes my red eye flares up once or 2x a month also now lately i was thinking maybe it has something to do with the migraines/headache part of perimenopause.. Do you get the migraines or headache s monthly with this? I sure do I've read a lot about them and how they can hit badly during this change in hormones (lucky me) and from what I've experienced with them they definitely are not just headaches at all for sure they are very neurological and they affect your balance the way you walk talk almost as if a stroke or seizure is about to occur but of course doesn't, but they get so bad at the moment its all happening that that is all you can think about during the migraines. I do already eat low histamine in my diet because I have RA. And hashimotos so low histamine is a must for me.. I will have to look for them eye drops , thanks for responding ...