Relief for Symptoms of PMS and Perimenopause

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Hey ladies!

Not such a good night for me. cry  Very out of breath and light headed from it all. I hate these kind of days but thankful for my laptop cheesygrin

Was doing some research on my symptoms tonight and come across this article.

I guess Dr. Phils wife has followed this and feels better at 50 then she did in her 40's. I would love to feel better soon. Has anyone tried this or heard of this regimen? 

Flaxseed Oil

High in lignans, a natural hormone-balancing substance, flaxseed oil is as effective as hormone replacement therapy in lessening hot flashes and sweating. It's also good for depression and fatigue.

— Recommended dosage: 1 to 2 tbsp. a day. An alternative is to buy ground up flaxseed, and sprinkle it on top of your food (such as oatmeal and popcorn).

Evening Primrose Oil

Helps in relieving breast tenderness, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, headaches and water retention.

— Recommended dosage: Two weeks prior to the start of your period, take 1,000 mg a day - half in the morning, half at night - after food.

Multi-vitamins and Magnesium

Having sufficient amounts of the essential multivitamins listed below, along with magnesium, will help to relieve mood swings, insomnia, anxiety, tissue dryness, and water-retention.

Recommended to start with:

— Vitamin B complex, 50 - 100 mg a day

— Vitamin C, 1000 mg three times a day

— Vitamin E, 400 - 1200 iu a day

— Magnesium, 500 - 1000 mg before bed


Helps to lower estrogen (too much is as bad as too little) and increase progesterone levels. Also helps to build strong bones and improve your immune system.

— Recommended dosage: 15 - 50 mg a day

Natural Progesterone Cream

This can help in relieving fuzzy thinking, fatigue and fat gain. Rub on your throat, the fleshy areas of the inner arms, and in the palms of your hand.


Work out vigorously for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.


Stress amplifies symptoms and causes the body to produce the hormone cortisol. Too much cortisol can cause diabetes and high blood pressure. Stress also zaps the body of essential minerals and vitamins.

Adrenal Refresher

At times of high stress, replacing lost minerals and vitamins can help the adrenal glands produce less stress hormones.

— Recommended: B complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Adrenal Gland Extract, green and yellow vegetables and sea vegetables.

Soy Phytoestrogens

Soy can help in diminishing the intensity of hot flashes and night sweats. Consume moderate amounts of soy isoflavone supplements

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Mimi

    I have just started taking flax seed but ground not oil and 2 tbs a day in cereal or yogurt....not sure to early to say, but it's cheap for a big bag, less than $5.

    Soy milk as well yumm and I so to feel really refeshed and well after drinking it.

    • Posted

      Hi Astrid64

      yes you probably need it in your system for a couple weeks before you start to feel any effects from it. Funny thing... I feel great after I eat a big mac and come to find out its made from soybean. Hahah cheesygrin

      I love vanilla soy milk also but heard the Almond Breeze is better for me by my cardiologist. He said we are more prone for heart disease in menopause and almonds are good for our heart.

      I am a heart patient though so soy maybe ok for others just not for me sad

    • Posted

      I had a big mac today funnily enough, and then I bitch about peri-menopause symtoms, but eat the wrong foods lol

      My doctor told me that no 2 women are the same what works for one may have no affect what so ever to another, so I reckon try as much as you can afford and seek your own relief, personally I wish it was british fish and chips which I am craving Haha...

    • Posted

      Yes, I can only eat fast foods once in a while or I feel horrible also. Hmmm british fish  and chips sounds good but never had it. Ive noticed I crave dairy alot lately and I cant eat much of it as I have developed an allergy to it since peri. 

      Matter of fact I feel like im allergic to everything anymorerolleyes

  • Posted

    Hi Mimi,

    i am so sorry you are suffering.........

    Most of these items look reasonable, but grind up flaxseed rather than take flax oil, as the oil could be rancid.  I would also try the phytoestrogens first, including bleach cohosh and see how you feel.

    you might also want to test your hormones since if you are deficient in estrodial and take progesterone it might make your symptons worse.

    I believe dr. Phil's wife along with Oprah are all on bio identical estrogen and maybe even testosterone.  They were both promoting bio's on the O radio show in the US. Perhaps that is why she feels so good!


    • Posted

      HI Retired2011

      Yes , I use only the organic flaxseeds. I usually just keep them mixed in a bag with my almonds and chew them up together. 

      I was taking black cohosh and felt good but my heart doctor told me to stop all herbs as it cause heart palpitations( which I was in the hospital at the time with) I have since then switched to flaxseed. You said bleach cohosh? is this a different kind or just a typo?

      I would love to test my owm hormones since the dotcors all tell me its impossible to do, since they flucuate so much. I was just at my Doctor Monday and she was telling me to stop saying Im in perimenopause, that I was to young. Ill be 43 in September and family was all in peri in their late 30's but Im too young ! I almost get anxiety when I go to a doctor anymore because they all think Im crazy. rolleyesThat the symptoms I name off arent associated with menopause. I thought insomnia and night sweats are...but they say its not. I give up on them!! I get more help from you ladies then them lol

      On Oprah and Dr phils wife...I always wondered why no one in Hollywood suffers like we do wink

  • Posted

    Hi MImi,

    Yes, that was a misspelling!  I meant to say black cohosh, not bleach---LOL!

    i think you need a new Dx ---43 is not too young for peri at all.  There is a way to test for fluctating hormones, which is a 24 hour urine test and is now the gold standard for testing sex hormones, but not many Dx's do it.  Most test blood and saliva which is. Not very useful.  I am not sure where you live, I am in the US and their are some great hormone Dx's think oprah, Suzanne Sommers, Oprah and all the other famous people---but very pricey.  My sister lives n the UK (she is a Sloan Ranger---LOL) and had to go outside of the national health care to get relief.  I think this Dx is in Knightsbridge.

    Astrid---I had to laugh at your diet response to Mimi at the Big Mac and your jonesing for fish and chips. LMAO!  You are so bad, I though Brits had much more restraintlol


    • Posted

      Lol I just switched Dx's and this is the relief I get... yes I need a new one already lol. I live in the US the Chicagoland Areacheesygrin 

      Well since my Dx dont think Im in peri... I guess the suggestion of the urine test is out of the I thought I could order something online maybe. Thanks for all the info though Ill keep searching for more on the sex hormone testing. 

      On a good note...I did keep searching until I found a story on a nurse that suffered from shortness of breath and chest tightening and found that they had her on a low does of estrogen. When they increased it all went I took alot more flaxseed as its suppose to be like our bodies own natural estrogen and to my surprise it went away. Yeah !!!!!!!! biggrin  Its about 1:58am so Im going to try to get some sleep Night all  and Be Blessed XX

    • Posted

      Hi Blessed_Mimi,

      Do you know of any good web site for online tests?

      Also - your shortness of breath - do you feel like you cannot take a deep breath?

      I've been also having shortness of breath for 2 months - taking second course of prednisone already without much improvement. 

      Hope you feel better!


    • Posted

      Shotness of breath of my gosh YES I go downstairs at my office and when I come back up, I need to compose myself and try to take deep breaths, getting used to it now.
    • Posted

      Hi Polly111

      I am looking into the website called Labtestonline I have ordered from them years ago but never for hormone testing. Google the name it should pop up.

      I see a pulminologist on the 13th so Im hoping to get some kinda answerrolleyes I have grown to not like going to the doctors anymore lol

      Yes, my problem is taking a deep breath...I feel myself taking them frequently, almost as if I cant catch up with my breathing sometimes. I feel like my brain isnt working to tell me to breath rifght or something. Its weird. I have never in my life been an anxious person and Ive always been very independant doing things by myself all the time. Since Peri...I dont drive anymore, dont work, and I feel like this has taking a hold of my life but I refuse to let it get me so downfrown or be on a cabinet full of medicine. 

      I feel bad for you as I know how bothersome this feeling is. Not being able to breath correctly, instantly sets us up for more anxiety. 

      If the prednisone isnt working do you have to keep taking it? Im a freak about medicine, since it can cause so many other symptoms or side affects. Its just a huge problem I have always had. I guess when I look at reviews online of what others have went through on medications its worrisome to me and I stop taking it if its not working in about 2 weeks... 3 weeks longest. As I see it... Dx's can only hope what they prescribe works I always feel like their guinea pig. Their famous words to me " Lets see if this works" lol

      Ill update when I see the Dx and then again if he orders test. Take care and pray alot, its very calming when I cant breath biggrin Be blessed xx 


    • Posted

      yes, this is how I felt when I went up my stairs and would get to the top and my muscles feel as If I ran a mile and their burning with being out of breath. Its an awful feeling and I feel ive aged so much from it all. sad It just stinks!
    • Posted

      Hi Mimi, thank you so much for sharing that taking flaxseed helped your shortness of breath!  I'm really struggling with that right now so guess what I'm going to do after work!

      I hadn't heard of being short of breath as a menopause symptom until it hit me like a sledgehammer, but apparently it's quite common.  Trying to stay calm until it passes and I move onto yet another symptom! It's just one thing after another. Just when you think you've experienced the worst possible one, the next one hits, and it's even worse...My last period was over 2 years ago, but I've "suffered" for about 7 years. Taken all kinds of different things over the years, but won't take HRT or drugs primarily used to treat mental health disorders. Hanging in there! xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Margo

      I so glad your going to try the natural approach ! Grab both seeds at the store..Chia and flax. Take some notes of what helps and how they make you feel. ( very important) Our hormones are always up and down on a roller-coaster so flax may help at one time, and chia may not, or on some days you may get relief from them both together.

      Start off in small amounts...You might not need alot at all, and make sure you chew them up or they will just pass through your system and not do any good.

      Hugs to you & be blessed!

  • Posted

    Hi Blessed_Mimi

    no I havent heard of that particular regime... but I am age 50 ... 😃

    very interesting ..

    I take the 150mg daily B6 ( not complex as that sometimes has minimal B6 content) 

    Take Vit b12 injections, need these every two weeks sometimes 10 days..

    B1 x 150mg daily ( only as its good for Stopping Mozzy bites ) and it works

    Vit C,

    Maca 2 x Daily, 

    iron every other day small amount..

    Magnesium efferevescant..

    Menapol Plus x 2 daily..

    i did try natural progesterone cream but i then grew a painful breast lump and was advised to stop, ( too potent for me) soon after the lump went... 

    Jay xx



    • Posted

      Hello Jayneejay, I must say you have been such tremendous support to us ladies. I was wondering if it was normal to have tender and heavy breast sometimes. I have been experiencing it for sometime now and it's on and off. Have also noticed that most of my peri symptoms have subsided but new things come up. My digestive problems have also improved but the gas is still on not like before though. As for sleep, am out, cannot sleep. I started the B6 and B12 two weeks ago which has reduced the fatigue and my appetite is much much better now. Have been peri one year. Had a partial hysterectomy 8 years ago.
    • Posted

      Hi Cecilia 

      thank you for the kind words..

      my experience with tender breasts was I only ever got tender before an actual period came..  It was my indicator that I actually was going to have a period, I did use that natural progesterone cream in 2011 and my oh my breasts were always tender and I got a big lump from it in the breast, I had to stop using it ... And it went away thank goodness...

      glad the B6 and B12 helping.. Yesterday I could feel my energy dropping and finding things hard, but I had a B12 jab last night and all good again today, amazing stuff ... Have to have a jab ( shot, injection) every 10 to 14 days... Sorry I can't help with your breast tenderness, other than my own experience , even when I didn't have my period each month I got some pms symptoms but no breast tenderness... I do natural route no HRT..

      i suffered with insomnia and peri all along the ten years, that is hard that one.

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      My breasts are now both sore started in 1 then slowly moved to the other, but not so extreme, worse at night and sitting driving for a long while, had it about 6 weeks doctor said its menopausal and can last a few months, it can dissappear as quickly as it crept up, as i have had no periods due to BC for 3 years, i was not able to gage it based on PMS dates.

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