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I am 46 and not had a period for 12 months, I was told to wait to go for a blood test for 12 months to see if I got a period.

My Blood test results are back and I cant see the Dr until next week ..

I wonder if you can help with my results please. I am not familiar with the terminology ..they said

Serum LH 22.4

and FSH 103

The note from the Dr said See as planned ? Do these figures mean I am through it ? just wondered if you know



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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Luteinizing Hormone and Folicle Stimulating Hormone are the full words. If your FSH is above 30 and you haven't had a period for over 12 months then it's safe to say you are in the menopause. I can't remember the figure for the LH but I'll try and find out but it looks as though you are menopausal rachel.
    • Posted

      Thank you , my mum was early and my cousin 
    • Posted

      It does tend to happen if your mum had an early menopause chances are you will. Has it come as a shock rachel or did you expect this?
    • Posted

      Hi, Expected really I have had hot flushes a few years and heavy periods, controlled with Northisterone .. i knew I had the symptons or it .. 


    • Posted

      Hi , thnaks for all your emails last time I mailed about this , I just wondered if a bit of spotting is possible after having the all clear ? I have had a few pre period symtons , before they have calmed down and gone ..... this time I feel swollen and think I have seen a discolourment . 

      If its possible then I will stop wondering smile thanks 

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