Return of symptoms two years after periods stopped!
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Hi ladies,
Has anyone else had all their meno symptoms return a long time after their last period? I had a really tough few months a few years ago but made a lot of changes to my diet and lifestyle and things seemed to improve. Then, out of the blue and about two years since my periods stopped it's all come back again!! Insomnia, morning anxiety, palp's, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue etc and so it goes on. I'm really struggling again, don't know what changes I can make this time and wondered if anyone else has experienced this? X
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jane47249 vix55
vix55 jane47249
I didn't really have any extra stress was just going along nicely, watching my diet alcohol exercise etc then this came back out of the blue! Bad news for you with your husbands job, I hope he can get himself sorted. I'm going to try some lemon and ginger tea today to see if that helps x
gentleballads vix55
ive read before that the symptoms come back with a vengeance but one would think of taking things non chalantly if they didnt show up for two years !!
we just learn to cultivate coping strategies and keep them in practise-- for example the bag i take out for outings can never be without food, water, wraps, pads etc
vix55 gentleballads