Right Ear Pain

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Hello all

From today morning new symptom pop up.

From morning i feel pressure in my right ear and from afternoon my right ear start paining alot.

From last 2 years..i am suffering from many other symptoms in peri..

Most scary is Head pressure and Headaches

Is EAR PAIN is also symptom of peri ??

or i need to check with Dr.??

Fed up of going to hospital with soo many symptoms...No Dr understand my pain.

Anyone facing this ?

Any tips Plz to get rid of it



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4 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Sunaina I have had the ear pain quick shooting pains from inside ear to shoulder and jaw to back of head very alarming and mine are associated with my migraines as migraines can come with many symptoms.. So if you are having pressure blurry vision off balance vertigo dizziness then yes the ear pain can be a part of the dreadful menopause.. However since its definitely cold and flu season my guess is maybe you are coming down with a cold / earache.. So maybe give tour doctor a call.. Hope you feel better soon 😃

  • Edited

    good morning to you. YES ear pain is yet another perimenopause/menopause symptom. there are so msy symptoms. if you haven't already, Google 66 symptoms. it's very eye opening. I too have right ear pain, dizziness, eyes dont see as good as they use to and so on. dont be scared. it's all the dreaded menopause. try hot washcloth on your ear and neck. it may help. feel better soon. xo

  • Edited

    It could be anything-- weather (spring, cool and windy), how your neck is laying as you sleep... My husband has been having ear problems with headaches too. He has been to so many doctors and tests. nothing major has came up.. He is a very stressful person and I think that's why he had major problems.

  • Posted

    Hi Sunaina,

    Sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly with a new symptom.

    I am 49, been in peri for 6 years or so, ad yes, right ear pain has been one of my symptoms.

    For me, it can happen when I clench my teeth in my sleep because of tension.

    Or, when I am having a migraine, that area is one of the areas for me that hurts.

    Either way, it feels like a nerve pain... kind of like a toothache pain would feel.

    If I happen to also get a cold in addition to migraine, it's the worst...makes the whole side of my head throb.

    If it is a cold, the dr told me to try flonase nasal spray on that side...it can bring down inflammation in the ear tubes as well as sinuses.

    Hope you feel better fast!!


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