Ripped patch off and I’m full of energy .
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Ripped the estrogen patch off yesterday and today I’m bouncing off the walls . It feels good to not feel lethargic but I’m
WIRED ! Hopefully I level out as I feel a bit cuckoo. You can’t win you’re either lazing around all day or hyperactive and nervous .
Just applied some progesterone and a tiny bit of estrogen cream to calm me down ... it’s only been 6 weeks on the patch so don’t think I need to wean off .
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sarah05599 lori93950
Hi Lori, I nearly didn't take my hrt tablet today as keep thinking shall I give it a bit longer, shall I just wait until my periods finished I've read to give it 3 months but I don't want to take this if I don't feel any benefits. Think this is my 7th week now and don't no whether to just stop or reduce to every other day for a week and stop. All this sure does suck!!
lori93950 sarah05599
2chr2015 lori93950
lori93950 2chr2015
Finny2018 lori93950
Lori - I am following your journey!
Are you able to share the brand of estrogen and progesterone cream you are using?
I read the word ENERGY in your title and I couldn't click on it fast enough, LOL!!
I've been lazin' around for far too long - although feel like I'm on the comeback. There's that lurking feeling that another upheaval of symptoms is waiting around the corner...I want to be proactive/hopeful I can do something that will help.
lori93950 Finny2018
I was on the Mylan estrogen only patch for 2 weeks and a combo patch before that for a month ... I didn’t like how I felt on either and ever since I ripped the patch off have had a spike in energy ? I have no clue why ?
Today I’m tired and can’t wait to go to bed but I didn’t sleep well and worked out really hard so that’s probably it.
Yes I was so bad I could not get out of bed until 2.30pm! Would wake up try and get up and had to keep lying back down ... it’s no life and I’ll never forgot this time . It’s AWFUL!
sn21848 lori93950
the patch made me wired too like I was the life of the party and for someone who isn't extroverted it was too much. And it spikes up my libido which would be ok but I don't have a partner. For me I felt like I absorbed a lot and it was sitting on the skin surface. Also, patches can be affected by heat like a bathtub, hot tub or overheating in the hot sun. My brother told me that pain patches can empty out the whole patch if a person gets overheated. One man died from gardening in his yard. You probably will have leftover residue estrogen in your skin fat for a bit. I have the same problem either I can't get out of bed with meds or I am wired for sound. If you haven't had your thyroid scanned you should. They found multiple small benign nodules on my thyroid which supposedly aren't suppose to cause any issues but it makes me wonder. I have to get a referral to see an endocrinologist. I can't tolerate the HRT too much especially the progesterone. All I know is I'm tired of feeling crappy and I know the weird man hair I have growing on different parts of my body isn't normal. Sorry I went off track. I hope things are better for you soon.
lori93950 sn21848
Yes I do wish this would have worked for me and made me feel normal but I just felt like I was ‘on drugs’ . I’ve tried 2 different patches now one with progesterone ( made me weepy depressed) and one with just estrogen ( made me feel wired and waking up too early ) now Im back on a very low dose estrogen cream which is where I started 4 months ago 🙄
I did this primarily so I wouldn’t just crash after removing the patch but still feel strange ... I think the stress of not being on control of your body and mind plays a big part and takes away your confidence when you’re relying on drs. I think hormones eventually level out if you do it naturally .... just want to feel like my old self ... not a different person .
sn21848 lori93950
I have been crying more with my therapist lately. This whole thing has been going on for 10 years. When I stopped taking birth controls pills in 2012 is when I really dipped. I wanted to see if I was done with my periods. I was post menopausal. I was telling her today so many women and I am sure men too see to be trying to find out how to fix ourselves medically. I feel like there should be more research and more medical solutions. I told my doctor time I was we had something like a diabetic pump that would read our levels in real time and adjust the meds. This is so much like dealing with psychiatric meds where it is hit or miss what will work when we don't even know what is going on with our brains. Her final word was that maybe I am focusing too much on the fix. I don't know how to explain walking through life with a floating feeling whether I am on the hrt or not. I was in an accident last year that was not my fault but because I had topical cream on that day and it was hot plus the lack of sleep I looked drunk. The officer gave me the walking test and eye movement test. I had to focus really hard to pass. I remember when I used to make sense and I was actually a bit bright.