Room is spinning

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Hello ladies - just looking for your kind words to get me through. My dizziness is worse then it has ever been, and my family doesn't know what to do with me. Night time is the worst. It is absolutely terrifying to wake up, get up slowly, only to find the room spinning in circles and be so unsteady on my feet. I am coming very close to fainting and I'm terrified. I've run out of options with various doctors (you know the drill - no one can find anything wrong other than you are in perimenopause). It's a beautiful morning and I am in bed crying because I can't take this anymore. Can't believe in these modern times we have to suffer like this. There has to be a solution. This can't all be anxiety - the symptoms are so debilitating. Thank you for letting me vent.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    oh karen, it is ok to vent! I suffer from vertigo too. Mine are from migraines and the migraines are from this peri crap! I get the off balance, sway, drunk feeling. I have had a couple of episodes that the room spun around...also once when driving...scared the hell out of me!

    Dark is tough for me too...I believe that my eyes are trying to compensate for my inner ear imbalance. If it is dark...I get discombobulated! I test myself...if I stand on one leg with my eyes balance is ok. If I close them, I wobble and practically fall. My eyes are trying to be my balance.

    I am going to a vertigo specialist soon... for balance testing. But, I have recently started back on BCP and the last couple of days have been better. Although, today is rainy here and that sets me my head feels like it is going to pop. also on something for migraine management. sorry you are dealing with is one of the worst symptoms for me.

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      Thank you so much, Lou. I, too, am very very sorry you are experiencing these symptoms. I don't know what I would do without the support of this forum. Take good care.

  • Posted

    i hear and pretty much know now

    its your hormones spiking it truly is the worst I can’t stand that feeling

    I am using all natural meno pause vit and it helps

    good luck they are horrfic

  • Posted

    Aw sweetheart I know exactly what your saying I'm like it all the time. I thought things got better in post meno but everdenly not. I'm a total mess I cry all the time and dearnt go out because of the dizziness where just in a catch 22 arnt we darl. I really hope you feel better soon and knowing that you're not on your own with this x

  • Posted

    Hi Karen, so sorry your feeling so bad, its tough I know and you get so helpless that you just cry, then the lonely crap sets in.. I too am just like you and Lou its crazy , at night or snow or rain darkness I get so bad my eyes and equilibrium just don't cooperate anymore SO SCARY for sure!!!! Now I don't spin but I'm very close to it, I could be sitting in the car and then all of a sudden feel like everything is flying by me very fast like I'm in space, then you have to focus on something to like pull yourself out of that , very weird and indeed husband has to drive me around when I get like that! My mom use to get the spins and I remember my dad calling her an ambulance and she spent 10 days in hospital having all kinds of test ran, from that day forward even today shes 74, she can't turn over quick or lay flat on her back, she use to take meclazine I think it was called, some kind of antihistamine, I think.. But anyways ive heard a lot of woman talk about some exercise that they show you on youtube how to move your head into the direction of the spin , something along those lines , so maybe you can look into that .. I hope this passes for you soon as I know first hand this is no fun at all, and again like Lou says all this bad gloomy rainy season can really make this worse, it does me, I write my symptoms down daily, and often I'm writing very bad head pressure dizziness and off balance.. Take care ❤

    • Posted

      Thank you, Gypsy. Thinking of you and wishing you well, as well as to all of the other wonderful women who have posted. I completely understand the car issue - I was driving to work earlier this week. Was at a red light and out of nowhere the waves started crashing in my head. I got so scared - I really thought I was going to faint. Thankfully I was very close to the office. Like your mom, I take Meclizine which helps a little. I think it's the Epley Manuver that is the exercise you are referring to. I, too, have heard that can help. Be well and take good care.

    • Posted

      Hi Karen, does the meclizine completely knock you out? A few months ago I was given that to take as needed...20 mgs took it, and was exhausted. Tried it again and practically fell asleep standing. Threw them out. (was not taking anything else at the time). A few months ago, I was driving my child home from school...then a wave of dizziness came over me...awful sweaty, faint feeling because I got scared...I too was close home. It is a little better now, but I notice when I am done driving...I have to take a minute before getting out, because I feel like I am still moving!

    • Posted

      Hi Lou - the meclizine can make you drowsy. It does not knock me out (my prescription is 25 mg), but I do feel a bit sleepy. Thus, I can only take it when I am at home and know I am not going out anywhere, which is unfortunate, because I wish I could take this before going to work to help get me through the day. I like the meclizine because it is something you could actually get over the counter (Dramamine) and does not have any side effects for me except the drowsiness. I feel the same as you with the car issue. I often drive with the window open a crack (even in freezing cold weather), as the fresh air helps a bit.

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      look up the youtube videos on INNER EAR CRYSTALS. They'll show you the exercises. Very easy.

  • Posted

    Karen I was told when dizziness like that the serve like yours it will happen the lastr 6 months before you go complete meno. I had it almost did faint! i also had that long tunnel vission if you call it that all this is very scary

    • Posted

      Thank you, Crosado - it sounds like the dizziness eventually went away for you? If so, how long did you have it? I've been with the chronic dizziness for about four months now. Last "period" (just light spotting, which is how it has been the last few years) was this past June 2018. Take good care.

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      Off and on for 6 months some epsideos was very scary I am post meno now !

  • Posted

    Karen I was told when dizziness like that the serve like yours it will happen the lastr 6 months before you go complete meno. I had it almost did faint! i also had that long tunnel vission if you call it that all this is very scary

  • Posted

    HI, sorry this will be short and sweet but ive had vertigo for years Almost made me reclusive!! After no real advice from specialists i researched for years and years and found that if i cut out salt especially and sugar it reduced it dramatically and drink plenty of still mineral water too and you will see massive difference if you persevere And look out for hidden salt in foods . it will change your life. Good luck xx

  • Posted

    Oh wow Karen, I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time. Have you tried taking something herbal? Pharmaceutical products can have so many side effects that sometimes you are worse off than before. This is unfortunately a by product of hormonal changes. I remember once I had a pretty severe episode of vertigo and I had some relatives over visiting, it was embarrassing. I had taken my niece over to the side to chat with her because she had just started having periods and she was suffering in the same way that I did when I was her age. There I was sitting on the bed and I could have sworn that the bed was moving all on its own, so much so that I yelled out, "alright you guys get from under this bed and quit playing around!" Thinking that her younger siblings along with my kids had been playing under the bed. But that is how strongly I felt the bed swaying. My niece looked at me as if I had completely lost the plot!😂 I felt so embarrassed. I called my sister later to ask if her daughter had mentioned the strange incident. It's funny now but it was so scary at the time. So believe me I understand and you are not alone.

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