Room spinning and feeling really warm
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Hi guys, I’m 47 and peri for st least 2 years. During the night I woke up with very sore cramp feelings in my tummy then the whole room was spinning. I went to the toilet and I felt worse. I panicked and called my hubby for help. I said to him I was roasting and my too was soaking ( but it wasn’t) he also said I feel normal. Was weird and scary, seemingly I kind of collapsed twice. After about 10 mins it passed but I went to bed freezing and hubby said again I feel normal. Today I just feel drained and slightly sicky. I’ve not had a period in 2 months now and was wondering if this is normal for peri or if I should call the doc. My hubby was going to call an ambulance last night but I told him not to. Think he got a fright too. Plz help. x
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tawana68 pauline55710
pauline55710 tawana68
annie-mae pauline55710
Hi Pauline, it sounds as if it could be peri-linked! I get random dizzy spells like that and sometimes I'm hot, sometimes cold - sometimes it's like a hot flash that isn't coming out, it's just stuck inside (if that makes sense!) But the sudden dizziness for no reason, sometimes with nausea, is very familiar to me - and it's really frightening. I agree with Tawana, maybe get it checked just in case there's something easy that can be done to fix it. I've low VitD and borderline B12, but essentially I'm told it's my hormones. Good Luck! xx
Sally4x pauline55710
I had something similar in 2014 and was told I had a virus called Labyrinthitis. It can also be perimenopause, a form of migraine, or BPPV which is dislodged crystals in your inner ear. I would get it checked out at the doctors.
Sally xx