Rough Day and its only 8:45 am
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hello everyone, I am at the end of my rope today. I wake up every morning when my husband leaves at 4:30 am and Im in a panic and fear. I cant stand this peri journey. My periods are now coming closer together and painful.I have been raging and crying today I just want to kick something! Ugh! Please pray for me today. I just want to be happy again
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tabatha44652 becky53379
Hang in there. I have been where you are now. I still have bad days. I honestly am better because of antidepressants. I hate to take them but they have help with those symptoms. Don't live in fear like that, if you need them take them until you get through it.
becky53379 tabatha44652
Thank you Tabatha.....this is rough for sure! Im glad that you are feeling better
Take care!
looloo43 becky53379
Hi becky, like tabatha says, have you thought about talking to your doctor about trying anti-depressants to get you through this awful time? fluoxetine in particular is helpful to many ladies on here & a friend of mine for "softening" peri/meno symptoms. worth an appointment to talk to your doctor about ?? xx
natacha66 becky53379
You can also try evening primrose if u want to go the homeopathic way.
Homeopathy has lots of options.
But if it is getting really bad go see ur doc.
Keep well.
becky53379 natacha66
becky53379 natacha66
colleen90305 natacha66
What does primrose help with???
natacha66 colleen90305
Cass63 becky53379
I know exactly how you are feeling. I struggle within myself everyday. It gets so hard sometimes and it seems no one around me understands, but I don't guess I should expect them to because I don't understand myself! Crazy,crazy time in life. I will pray for strength for you today, please do the same for me..🙏
becky53379 Cass63
Cass thank you so much! I knew that I could come on here and everyone would know how this feels. Im so sorry that you are struggling as well. I hate this for all of us. Im praying for you today and everyday. Thank you for your prayers
Hope your day got better. Take care!
colleen90305 becky53379
Ugh sorry you are going through this. I too cannot wait until this BS is over! How can this be a natural change when its torture???? Why did God do this to us? I just want to go to sleep until this is over and not live like this. PEACE AND PRAYERS ♡
2chr2015 colleen90305
becky53379 colleen90305
Hi Colleen, I want to go to sleep and wake up when this is over as well......this is some serious crap lol! I hope that your day is going well. Did you walk the dog today? Thank you for the prayers and as always Im praying for you
Take care!
colleen90305 becky53379
Hi Becky,
Just got home from work and slept yesterday from 8pm until this morning and owe my beautiful dog a walk tonite. I just want to sleep these days away. If I could swear on here, I would! I'm sure we all be adding adjectives to our comments. Lol
becky53379 colleen90305
Geez girl how did you manage to sleep that long lol! Glad you did though! Yes do go for a walk with your dog tonight and then pat yourself on the back for going
I didnt know we couldnt swear on here d $mn it! Lol!
colleen90305 becky53379
Sleeping is better than dealing with these cards we've been dealt. I'm lucky, I can sleep, but I work a lot and do become very tired. Yes, I'm walking my dog in a little bit. Thank God for sweet Sadie?