Rough day, lots to do
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HI ladies,
I live alone with my two dogs and am trying to cope with perimenopause, which can be a daily struggle. I'm off work today because I am having a medical test done about an hour drive from my home, and I'm having the worst morning- dizzy, fatigue, headache. I am crying and fretting, scared I won't be able to drive myself. I could use some words of encouragement! Thank you . ❤
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Gypsy014 cindy17746
Hi Cindy, I feel really bad for you! This time in life really sucks period.. Maybe have someone drive you if you haven't already set that up, or maybe reschedule for a better day. Not that we have any of those ugh.. I have my dogs also they truly keep me going, and I'm dizzy always with of and on again migraines and blurry crappy vision, I take care of my elderly well not really elderly mom ha ha shes 75 husband in icu across the street at hospital abib heart failure. And swollen legs and feet, hes texting me for a ling list of things to drive over to him at the hospital, have the grandkids all week long and their mom lives over an hour away her car is broke wanted me to drive them to her, I'm thinking yeah ok that will never happen an hour away so I had her take the train to me and just let her borrow my car for the weekend , driving causes so much anxiety now if its not close to home . I feel ya.. I stay close to home always no matter what until this all passes.. Its crazy coming from someone who would travel across town no problem ever , just get up and go kind of person.. I will be sending lots of well wishes your way in hopes you make it through this day without any glitches.. Take care ❤
cindy17746 Gypsy014
Thank you This is such a hard journey. i just called to see if i can reschedule. Left a message. Didn't get to talk to a person. I have tremendous anxiety around driving when feeling unwell. It doesn't help. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your story. I hope you are able to take care of yourself during all that you do for others. ❤
Marisa02082 cindy17746
UGH. I hate that feeling. The dizzy feeling is what gets me!!! I Always have ice cold water and something to eat fast. for some reason that helps it and it makes that feeling stop faster. Your not alone and I hate that for you and having to drive. Could someone go with you? My dogs make me feel so grounded and calm...Thank God for them. "It will pass"....I promise....You just need to say that over and over.
cindy17746 Marisa02082
Thank you. It will pass- I will remind myself. I can't wait to feel like a real human again, who does normal human things.
Marisa02082 cindy17746
I know!! I say that also!! I am like...When can i just feel Normal again?!!!
hopeforever cindy17746
Dear Jesus i lift up Cindy to you this day and all the women struggling with peri and meno on this forum and around the world. Dear Jesus I ask of your healing hands upon each of us. Take away the syptoms Lord and ease our pain. I ask that you bring comfort this day and fill our lives with such joy and peace. Let us live in the fullness of you and your love and i beg of you to breath in us the breath of life. Dear Lord i know that pain and suffering is not your will, so i beg of you this day the gift of healing. Healing in our bodies our minds our spirits and in our families. Give us all a wonderful and healthy life filled with your abundance and grace so that we may enjoy our days and our love ones. Thank you Jesus for our healing. Amen
sara97862 hopeforever
Hi Hopeforever,
Sobbing right now because of this beautiful prayer. I hope you and all the beautiful, strong ladies on this post are feeling relief today!!
sally15609 sara97862
Sara this is a beautiful prayer, i too cried. Thank you hopeforever
joann1972 cindy17746
What a beautiful prayer Hopeforever. Cindy sending you lots of positive thoughts that you can get there and get your test. We are bigger then our anxiety....i have been dealing with it for 30 years and know how you feel. You got this girl!!!
hopeforever joann1972
Thank you Joanne. Wishing all a wonderful day
claire38123 cindy17746
feel for you iam also struggling with all this crap peri chucks at you never had anxiety until the start of this year along with palpitations hot sweats and feeling dizzy all the time its total rubbish iam trying to hold down a full time job and most morning try to find an excuse not to go as i feel safer in home but i put my big girls pants on and get in my car and go thank god its only 5min drive as i also dont like driving far now as anxiety always gets me i just wish i could wake up one morning and be my old self no idea how long this is gona last as i had an hysterectomy 7 years ago at 39 but kept my ovaries so unlike most who have to wait a year with no periods for menopause i have no idea i used to get sore boobs a week before my period so i knew but iv now had sore boobs for 6 months along with most of the symptoms on the 66 list posted on here and also like you my dog was a god send but i lost her in nov and due to work we decided not to get another one so i now have a rescue cat who is lovely but not the same as my fury daughter who use to know when i wasnt feeling good and would come and lay with me but to all us going through this crap we all have each other on here for help and support and even though we feeling like were not coping and dying from all these symptoms we all wake up every morning pull our big girl pant on and get on with life so big hugs to all we WILL get better xx
sara97862 cindy17746
Hi Cindy,
Just checking in to see how you're feeling these days.
I hope this message finds you feeling great!!
cindy17746 sara97862
That is so thoughtful and kind! I am doing much better lately. My doctor put me on a low dose progesterone pill and i started getting acupuncture. It makes me sick for a few days- my peri symptoms all seem to get much worse- but when that passes, I feel much, much better. I am getting there. And am grateful every single day for progress because i honestly never thought I'd see it. I say a little thank you to the universe every time I can get in my car and drive somewhere successfully. I've been having a lot of brain fog lately, but am trying to reassure myself that hormones are the culpritHow are you doing? xo