Rough day today :'( Stomach pain/bloating
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sorry to vent
yesterday was a good day, I ate and drank what I wanted, was in a good head space and kept busy.
Then in today came along
stomach pain/ bloating/ tearful.
my poor daughter kept out of my way and hubby just looked at me and had that "oh hear we GO AGAIN" look on his face
worst bit is I WANT to get my hormones checked but it's soo expensive and hubby has wiped his hands of giving me any more Money to treat this problem " THAT DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE THE DR SAID SO.."
So im back in that head space of What's wrong with me, am I dying bla bla and now I'm having a drink.... I shouldn't but sometimes feel that's all that gets me through.
So sorry guys, I hate being like this.
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gentleballads ellacraig
many of us are going through this, not just medically but socially....from family members, docs etc
stomach problems are definitely a part of peripause...the last thing you should do is blame yesterdays diet
keep drinking lots of water, pee as often as you want..... eat what will make you happy
try plain yogurt , lemon juice or things which worked for you earlier,
munching on fresh gooseberries makes me feel so much better, i have half bitten ones lying all over the house, bed drawer etc
hope things improve fast for you
right now my stomach feels distended in all directions
ellacraig gentleballads
Fairy28 ellacraig
ellacraig Fairy28
Ok well maybe il just eat porridge Tom too! And yes I'm serious
silly husbands, they have no idea but in the same breath I do get it As much as I hate to admit that..
Actually il take miso soup to work tom too, not sure how porridge will go down. My bosses are always giving me grief about how skinny I am. Not from lack of trying
Fairy28 ellacraig
sheree45815 Fairy28
Fairy28 sheree45815
sheree45815 Fairy28
Fairy28 sheree45815
Yes meditation seems like a good idea and I hope it helps you, try anything eh ! aaahhhh ! Also I have heard good things about the pill too u fortunately for me that would be hopeless as ive had a total hysterectomy ! ......the things we have to suffer for being a woman ! xx
sheree45815 Fairy28
My friend had a total hysterectomy last year & is also experiencing stomach problems, we only ever seem to talk to each other about our bowel movements these days, but at least we can laugh about it!!
It’s been really nice talking to you, I’m finishing up at work now then home to try to eat something without rushing to the loo afterwards, hope you feel better soon xx
lennie45832 ellacraig
ellacraig lennie45832
Ok I think porridge is the same as oats?
lennie45832 ellacraig
ellacraig lennie45832
Well I brought today some oats in sachets tha you just add hot water and it thickens and has some flavouring. But keeping organic and pure it's still not Too bad, you add berries yoghurt bananas or some honey or maple syrup.
ps I saw a lady today who runs a health shop and she swears by slippery elm to heal the gut, that and keep away from processed sugar try foods
Fairy28 lennie45832