Rough day today :'( Stomach pain/bloating

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sorry to vent sad

yesterday was a good day, I ate and drank what I wanted, was in a good head space and kept busy. 

Then in today came along sad 

stomach pain/ bloating/ tearful.

my poor daughter kept out of my way and hubby just looked at me and had that "oh hear we GO AGAIN" look on his face sad

worst bit is I WANT to get my hormones checked but it's soo expensive and hubby has wiped his hands of giving me any more Money to treat this problem " THAT DOESNT EXIST BECAUSE THE DR SAID SO.." 

So im back in that head space of What's wrong with me, am I dying bla bla and now I'm having a drink.... I shouldn't but sometimes feel that's all that gets me through.

So sorry guys, I hate being like this.

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    dont apologise ella, at least not on this forum, 

    many of us are going through this, not just medically but socially....from family members, docs etc

    stomach problems are definitely a part of peripause...the last thing you should do is blame yesterdays diet

    keep drinking lots of water, pee as often as you want..... eat what will make you happy

    try plain yogurt , lemon juice or things which worked for you earlier,

    munching on fresh gooseberries makes me feel so much better, i have half bitten ones lying all over the house, bed drawer etc

    hope things improve fast for you

    right now my stomach feels distended in all directions


  • Posted

    Hello hun. ! I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time, right there with you aswell. I sympathise with the hubby bit, mines a bit like that everything's about him and he gets fed up with me saying ' oh god my stomach hurts' all the time - he turns his back on me. This weekend all ive had is porridge with water for breakfast lunch and dinner and small amounts , how damm boring but this morning the bloating has gone down and the pain is a little better but still there, so do I eat porridge forever ! It's all a nightmare and depressing and most of the time just want to stay in bed under the duvet. Hope you feel better soon, hugs Lou xx
    • Posted

      Hey Lou. I was wondering how you are.

      Ok well maybe il just eat porridge Tom too! And yes I'm serious smile

      silly husbands, they have no idea but in the same breath I do get it As much as I hate to admit that..

      Actually il take miso soup to work tom too, not sure how porridge will go down. My bosses are always giving me grief about how skinny I am. Not from lack of trying rolleyes


    • Posted

      Yes it's all so hard for us and having to work does not help, dragging ourselves out of the door in the mornings is just horrible when we feel so wretched and awful, it really is so hard. I wish things were easier for us, anxiety, stomach pain and issues , severe fatigue, aches and pains, no sleep, masses of other issues that debilitate us on a daily basis that get us down so much is hard to bear and yet we somehow carry on - we are strong and cling to the Hope that one day this nightmare will be over and we will regain what we had before all this to work now so message you later, take good care of yourself xx
    • Posted

      Oh my goodness, this is like reading about my life! Thank goodness for porridge, I have little appetite for much else most of the time, although I'm now starting to wonder if it could be the porridge that's upsetting me as it's high in fibre? It really is like a living nightmare & it feels like it's never going to end. I, like ellacraig, am also constantly being reminded how thin & unwell I look, it's not very helpful. At least I'm not alone & judging by others posts I'm not imagining it & going mad, it certainly felt like i was! xx
    • Posted

      Hello Sheree, poor you and yes poor all of us ! This is all just so horrible for us all to go through - ive tried just about everything now to try and stop these symptoms except HRT because of migraines, can't eat this - can't eat that ! If it's not one thing that's upsetting me it's something else, ive tried mega vitamins, vitamin e, c, cod liver oil ( yuk ) the list goes on and I'm fed up with spending lots of money on things that don't work for ME, but for other women they may work wonders. My tummy hasn't been too bad today I must admit BUT ive had nothing to eat apart from boring porridge first thing ! Craving nice things but can't because I'll pay for it later. So today's symptoms are fatigue, wobbly head, spaced out, achy, and yes like you people say to me ' oh you look so tired and pale ' Uugghh thanks ! If anyone knows the cure for all this and how to get some sleep for maybe four or five hours I'd love to know, and to top it all health anxiety is through the roof aswell , such a happy person arnt I !! ........I'm coming back as my cat next time, at least he gets some sleep ! xx
    • Posted

      Me too! I seem to spend my life in Holland & Barrat spending silly amounts on money on this vitamin & that complex, or on-line reading up on the next best thing which as you say seems to work miracles for others but has no effect on me. My last resort is now trying the birth control pill, which at 48 seems a bit mad but I'm hoping it will settle my hormones down, I also suffer with migraines & I'm anemic so hopefully it will help with those too. It's funny you should mention your cat, I have three little dogs & I was only saying to my mum yesterday what a lovely peaceful life they have smile I hope you feel better soon, in fact I hope we both feel better soon, I have been trying to meditate for five minutes a day as I'm told this is good for anxiety & stress, which as yours, mine is rediculously high at the moment. I've never tried it before & I have no idea if I'm doing it right, but I will literally try anything at the moment!! x
    • Posted

      Oh how lovely having the dogs - how do you find the energy to walk them !! I used to have dogs, in fact I had dogs for over 20 years. rescue ones and boarder collies, at one point I like you had three at the same time and one used to fight with the others and had to be kept in separate rooms and I couldn't walk them together without almost having a war ! so I had to take them all out separately, one then the other and so on so one walk would take me about four hours ! Mind you it kept me fit - sadly when the last one passed away I said no more and went down the cat route, unfortunately my cat hates me and attacks me as and when he feels like it but adores my husband ! I used to let him sleep on the bed ( the cat that is ) but he used to attack me at 3am regularly so I stopped that ! as long as I don't look at him or touch him he's fine ! Uugghh .......

      Yes meditation seems like a good idea and I hope it helps you, try anything eh ! aaahhhh ! Also I have heard good things about the pill too u fortunately for me that would be hopeless as ive had a total hysterectomy ! ......the things we have to suffer for being a woman ! xx

    • Posted

      To be honest I haven’t had the energy to walk them lately but they are chihauhua’s  & as much as they love their walks, so are just as happy lazing around at home, as long as they are fed & warm they are happy. I somehow managed to summon up the energy to them out on Saturday for the first time in ages, the sun was out & it was so lovely to get some fresh air, did me the world of good & they loved it too! I have dog one that hates the other two, so she stays with my mum & dad for half the week, they love her, she loves them & it gives me a break so we are all happy !! Your cat sound like a character, they are so different to dogs aren’t they, very amusing.. 

      My friend had a total hysterectomy last year & is also experiencing stomach problems, we only ever seem to talk to each other about our bowel movements these days, but at least we can laugh about it!!

      It’s been really nice talking to you, I’m finishing up at work now then home to try to eat something without rushing to the loo afterwards, hope you feel better soon xx

    • Posted

      Hi Ella, I hate to sound stupid, LOL, I am an American. Anyway, what is porridge and how do you make it?
    • Posted

      OK, oatmeal! gotcha, my grandma is almost 100 and has been eating it since she was in her 50s when the doctor wanted to put her on statins. She decided to go with porridge, does the consistency bother you? I know the texture is hard for me to tolearate but if it helps I have got to find a way to eat it, my husband suggested I add fruit to it, but there is still the consistency, I guess I can force myself. 
    • Posted

      Well there you go. Can't fully attribute her long life to oats but it's a good reason t start, who knows it could well be! 

      Well I brought today some oats in sachets tha you just add hot water and it thickens and has some flavouring. But keeping organic and pure it's still not Too bad, you add berries yoghurt bananas or some honey or maple syrup.

      ps I saw a lady today who runs a health shop and she swears by slippery elm to heal the gut, that and keep away from processed sugar try foods

    • Posted

      Hi Lennie, your grandma is almost 100 ! Bless her heart that's amazing - my beautiful grandmother passed away last August at 96 years old and I miss her so much every day my heart broke in half when we lost her. I'm 53 and was so lucky to have her so long, I treasured her wisdom and knowledge she taught me so much, also she taught me to eat wholesome natural foods and that we don't need synthetic foods, she never ate them and yes she always had porridge ! Xx

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